300 Blackout Ammo

One of the most popular alternative chamberings for the AR-15 platform, .300 AAC Blackout ammo is easily distinguished by its relatively small case and huge bullet. This somewhat odd-looking cartridge fulfills a number of niches better than the default .223/5.56 caliber with better close-range performance and excellent potential in suppressed firearms.

.300 Blackout ammunition comes in two distinct flavors: subsonic and supersonic. Supersonic loads typically fire a light 90-130 grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of around 2,200 feet per second with ballistics comparable to those of the Russian 7.62x39mm. Subsonic ammo, on the other hand, fires a much heavier bullet in the 220 grain range with a muzzle velocity of around 1,000 feet per second to avoid the sonic "crack" that partially negates the advantages of a suppressor.

The .300 AAC has been embraced for a wide variety of purposes, with hunting, match, and defense loads available from most manufacturers including Nosler, Federal, and Corbon. Notable adaptations of the round include Remington's Hog Hammer series featuring Barnes TSX copper bullets as well as Hornady's Zombie-Max hollow point series for those prepping for the undead apocalypse - you can find a wide variety at cheap prices for sale here at Widener's.

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26 products

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  1. Wolf 300 AAC Blackout 145 Grain FMJ – 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Wolf
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 145 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Steel
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Primer Type Berdan
    Magnetic Yes
    UPC Barcode 645611308680
    Cost Per Round 59¢ per round
    The beauty of Russian steel! Wolf’s ammunition features plenty of ferrous metal that will keep your wallet fatter. It’s going to attract a magnet, sure, but it’s going to save you money as well!

    This cartridge is loaded with a 145 grain bullet, which gives a 300 Blackout rifle that supersonic muzzle velocity which simplifies long-distance shooting. The bullet’s copper-washed exterior is only skin deep – beneath it lies a hard, deformation resistant layer of soft steel.

    Wolf’s steel cases aren’t outright impossible to reload. With special equipment and enough time you’ll be able to do it. But is it worth it? No – unless there was absolutely no other way to get 300 Blackout ammo. But while they are effectively non-reloadable, Wolf’s cases do wear PolyFormance polymer coating to protect them from corrosion and smooth out cycling in a semi-auto.

    This ammo’s Berdan primers operate on a slightly different principle than America’s preferred Boxer primer – but they are just as non-corrosive!
  2. Magtech First Defense 300 AAC Blackout 123 Grain FMJ - 1000 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Magtech
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 123 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 1000
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKB
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 754908209606
    Cost Per Round 67.5¢ per round

    The 300 AAC Blackout is a fantastic round that is designed to give you the power and energy of the 30 caliber while utilizing the standard AR lower receiver and magazines. If you are tired of the standard 223 Rem and 5.56mm rounds, the 300 AAC Blackout is an option for improved AR hunting, self defense and suppressed shooting.

    When you are looking for high quality ammo that comes at a great price, Magtech is the way to go. Using only state of the art loading equipment and internally sourced components, Magtech offers a wide selection of purpose built ammunition.

    These First Defense rounds feature 123 grain full metal jacket bullets that are loaded into brass cases. Each projectile exits the barrel around 2230 feet per second and give you the accuracy and reliability you need to practice at the range. Magtech uses non-corrosive boxer primers.

  3. Ammo Inc. 300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ – 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Ammo Incorporated
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 150 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300B150FMJ-A20
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode R0213202316167
    Cost Per Round 71¢ per round
    Ammo Inc. produces their own high-quality components at their factory in Wisconsin and assembles them with great care to give you just what you need to start punishing bullseyes and silhouettes all day long. Welcome to your next case of 300 AAC Blackout ammunition!

    This round’s 150 grain full metal jacket is unsophisticated yet reliable. Its balanced lead core and concentric copper-alloy jacket give the bullet the gyroscopic stability it requires to hold a tight trajectory. Its sleek frontal profile equips the bullet to conserve more velocity and fly flatter downrange. Its absence of steel means that a magnet can’t do anything to this ammo’s bullets. All perfect when you just want to get your target shoot on!

    Ammo Inc.’s noncorrosive Boxer primers and Hyperclean Technology propellant work hand in hand to promote impressively low-residue operation, and their new pure brass cases cycle efficiently even after they’ve been reloaded. You get 25 boxes when you let us ship the whole case to you lickety-split!
  4. Fiocchi 300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ-BT – 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Fiocchi
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 150 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKC
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 762344863580
    Cost Per Round 75¢ per round

    If you're pushing your 300 AAC rifle out to longer distances at the range, try this ammunition from Fiocchi's Shooting Dynamics series. This ammo comes at a great price thanks to the 500 round case size.

    Each cartridge in this case propels a 150 grain full metal jacket bullet to a muzzle velocity of 1,925 feet per second. This is a supersonic velocity that will still produce a sonic 'crack' when fired with a suppressor, although the noise caused by the propellant will be dampened. It makes an excellent target shooting load for a rifle sighted in for hunting.

    Fiocchi ammunition is manufactured in the USA and Italy; most Fiocchi cartridges sold here are also made here. This ammo uses reloadable brass casings and non-corrosive Boxer primers.

  5. Magtech First Defense 300 AAC Blackout 123 Grain FMJ – 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Magtech
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 123 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKB
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode R05252016432
    Cost Per Round 76¢ per round

    Magtech First Defense ammunition aims to provide shooters with high quality products that are very reliable. These 300 Blackout rounds are loaded into new production, boxer primed brass cases that are re-loadable. The projectiles in this case of 500 are 123 grain Full Metal Jackets (FMJ).

    Established by CBC Group in 1990, Magtech is the commercial brand for the ammunition manufacturer Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchis (CBC). The CBC group is made up of the four ammo manufacturers CBC, MEN, Sellier & Bellot and Magtech. Due to strict quality control measures their ammo is reliable and consistent.

    Grab a few boxes of this high quality 300 Blackout ammo and get out to the range soon!

    Customer Reviews

    Excellent choice

    Used about 180 rounds of this at a 4 day rifle class at Front Sight. Worked perfectly. Chrono'd 10 rounds when I got home, averaged 2300 fps. Affordable and quality ammo...

    Review by BadBob (Posted on 4/21/2016)

  6. Winchester USA 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 240 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 240
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU USA300BXVP
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892226494
    Cost Per Round 77¢ per round
    “Enough with the noisy, supersonic 300 AAC Blackout ammo!” you say. “I want subsonic 300 BLK ammo for range training and target shooting.” WE LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE. It’s exactly the right attitude for ordering this case of quality, American-made 300 BO ammo by Winchester!

    This cartridge owes its subsonic muzzle velocity (1,060 fps, which is ~65 fps slower than the speed of sound) to its 200 grain projectile. It’s still going to deliver the juice a semi-automatic needs in order to do its job right. It’s just not going to deliver a sharp, piercing report on ignition.

    This ammo’s not just suppressor-friendly because it’s subsonic. Its open tip bullet also features a fully jacketed base, which prevents any part of its lead core from getting deposited onto a suppressor’s baffles. The open tip’s many talents do not include terminal expansion, although its excellent gyroscopic stability and aerodynamic efficiency do give it the accuracy you need to shoot targets like a boss. New, reloadable brass cases, too!
  7. Winchester USA 300 AAC Blackout 125 Grain Open Tip – 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 125 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU USA300BLK
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892224575
    Cost Per Round 77.4¢ per round
    Looking for an edge the next time you unload your 300 AAC Blackout rifle at the range? Check out this ammo by Winchester! It’s loaded with open tip projectiles, which are engineered for even greater accuracy than a standard FMJ can provide.

    The open tip’s appearance can be deceiving. Its nose cavity is only there because its lead core was injection-molded. As the result the open tip’s core is uniformly distributed and voidless, and accordingly able to create impressive in-flight rotational stability.

    This round’s open tip weighs in at 125 grains. Its resultant supersonic muzzle velocity provides the flatter trajectory which simplifies sharpshooting. The bullet’s flat base and sleek jacket profile will only provide greater precision as you’re grouping tight shots throughout the 300 Blackout’s effective range.

    This ammo is brand new and made in America. Its cases aren’t reloaded; they’re only mottled around their necks because the brass was annealed without getting buffed up afterward for enhanced cosmetics. Non-corrosive, nonmagnetic and perfect for handloaders!
  8. Fiocchi 300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ-BT - 50 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Fiocchi
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 150 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 50
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKC
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 762344711010
    Cost Per Round 79.7¢ per round

    This .300 AAC ammunition from Fiocchi is a great choice for range use. Each cartridge in this box of 50 fires a 150 grain full metal jacket bullet at a supersonic muzzle velocity of 1,925 feet per second. While this velocity creates a sonic "crack" that suppressors commonly used with this caliber cannot eliminate, it also gives the round better extended-range performance.

    Fiocchi ammunition sold in the US is mostly loaded in Ozark, Missouri, with the balance being imported from Lecco, Italy.

    This ammo uses non-corrosive Boxer primers and reloadable brass cases.

  9. Magtech Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain FMJ – 50 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Magtech
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 50
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKSUBA
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 754908210510
    Cost Per Round 79.7¢ per round
    This 300 AAC Blackout cartridge by Magtech, the commercial brand of ammo manufacturing industry colossus Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos, features a muzzle velocity of only 1,050 fps. While that may sound like it’s underpowered, its low speed is actually its key feature -- because it’s too slow to break the sound barrier, this round won’t issue a cracking report when it is fired, and as such has a variety of practical applications. Subsonic ammo is phenomenal for training young shooters, as it teaches them not to instinctively flinch when they pull the trigger. It’s the best for training around sensitive neighbors and family members, and when utilized in conjunction with a silencer it’s an absolute blast to shoot. Turning the big bang rifle into something that goes “fwwt fwwt fwwt” is something every shooter ought to experience, even if only once.

    This round’s 200 grain projectile sports a full metal jacket, so it’ll save your rifle’s bore from unduly fast lead fouling. Its select brass casing is ideal for handloading, its primer is sensitive and consistent, and its propellant burns clean for a bright and shiny action. If you like these 50 rounds (and you will), look on our site for our great deal on 500 of them, too!
  10. Winchester Super Suppressed 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU SUP300BLK
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892224490
    Cost Per Round 84.9¢ per round
    Is Winchester’s Super Suppressed line of ammunition only meant for suppressed firearms? Not at all! This 300 AAC Blackout ammo will supply cleaner and quieter performance out of suppressed and unsuppressed pistols, carbines and rifles alike!

    Winchester’s clean-burning powder isn’t the only reason for this round’s low-residue performance. The bullet’s base is fully encapsulated, which prevents hot propellant gasses from evaporating any lead off its core. That means virtually zero lead residue will accumulate on your bore or inside your suppressor!

    This round’s quiet report is the work of its bullet. At 200 grains, it simply cannot become supersonic before clearing the muzzle, and accordingly cannot register a jarring supersonic crack on ignition.

    The open tip is often confused for a hunting or self-defense bullet, but it is in fact not capable of terminal expansion. Its nose cavity is just the byproduct of the open tip bullet’s production process. Molten lead is inserted through the aperture so it can cool in place to become form-fitted – a feature which enhances accuracy.

    Winchester’s 300 Blackout ammo is always made in America, where it is loaded with reloadable brass cases and very dependable primers and powder. This ammo is designed to fully cycle all semi-autos.
  11. Winchester Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU USA300BLKX
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892224599
    Cost Per Round 87.4¢ per round
    Winchester’s subsonic 300 AAC Blackout ammunition is a must-buy if you’re trying to appreciate just how effectively your suppressor can do its job. But even if you haven’t sunk a whole bunch of money into buying a suppressor, you can still enjoy quieter performance when you take this ammo to the range!

    This cartridge is loaded with an open tip bullet. A lot of folks mistake it for a jacketed hollow point, but the open tip is not going to expand after striking a threat or quarry. The bullet has an opening in its tip because molten lead was injected through it at the factory. That lead then hardened, thus forming the open tip’s evenly distributed core.

    This round’s bullet has a fully jacketed base. That stops hot ignition from gasifying any lead in the bullet’s core and depositing it as fouling inside the rifle. The propellant is also unable to make this round’s heavyweight 200 grain bullet go faster than the speed of sound, which takes the sharp crack out of ignition. A bullet which never becomes supersonic will also exhibit better overall rotational stability throughout its trajectory!

    Winchester loads this new production ammo in Illinois with reloadable virgin brass, non-corrosive primers and propellant that is formulated to further reduce barrel and suppressor fouling.
  12. Federal American Eagle 300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ - 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Federal
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 150 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU AE300BLK1
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 50004544617002
    Cost Per Round 89¢ per round

    Although it hasn't been around for too long, the 300 AAC Blackout has quickly become a popular round among shooters who are tired of the measly performance of the typical AR-15 rounds, the 223 Rem and 5.56mm. With this new round, you have increased range, more energy, and better ballistics, making it fantastic hunting, self defense, match shooting, and plinking around with only a few modifications to the rifle.

    Federal has been making some of the best ammunition in America since their beginnings in the 1920's and continue to make some of America's favorite ammunition due to their amazing manufacturing and often highly affordable prices. With these Federal American Eagle, 150 grain, full metal jacket, boxer primed, brass cased rounds, you get all the accuracy and reliability you need to have a blast practicing at the range. Firing at 1900 feet per second, these range rounds come at a great price, helping you save money while you get better at shooting.

  13. Ammo Inc. 300 AAC Blackout 150 Grain FMJ – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Ammo Incorporated
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 150 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300B150FMJ-A20
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 818778021826
    Cost Per Round 89.2¢ per round
    Here’s great 300 AAC Blackout ammo for any kind of firearm – carbine, pistol, bolt-action, you name it! Ammo Inc.’s quality components, careful assembly and strict quality assurance protocol all breed satisfaction while you’re taking aim at the range!

    These rounds’ middleweight 150 grain full metal jacket projectiles will treat you to a steady muzzle velocity of 1,850 fps. That’s well above supersonic, and capable of supplying the flat trajectory which makes aiming just a touch easier. If you were to saw one of these bullets in half, you would only see its lead core and gilding metal jacket. You certainly wouldn’t see any steel, which is why you can trust these rounds not to attract a magnet.

    Ammo Inc.’s signature series ammunition showcases their Hyperclean Technology. It sounds fancy, but it just promotes lower-residue performance by maximizing powder combustion throughout ignition. This American-made ammo’s fresh brass cases make fine handloading components!
  14. Winchester Super Suppressed 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU SUP300BLK
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892224483
    Cost Per Round 94.2¢ per round
    Super Suppressed ammunition is perfect for any rifle with a suppressor screwed onto the end of its barrel. This 300 AAC Blackout ammo won’t just keep all those baffles a whole lot cleaner – it will also make your suppressor itself more effective at its job!

    Winchester loads this round with their open tip range projectile. First things first: The open tip will not expand as it penetrates soft tissue, and in fact delivers terminal ballistics akin to an FMJ. It is an accuracy-first bullet, with a form-fitting core that was poured through the opening in its jacket’s tip while it was still molten.

    This bullet’s flat base promotes accuracy by offering a uniform surface for propellant gas to thrust against. The jacketed base also locks propellant gas away from the core, thus stopping it from vaporizing lead that would accumulate inside the barrel and suppressor.

    A Super Suppressed cartridge relies on a simple mechanism to ensure its subsonic muzzle velocity: a heavy bullet. At 200 grains the open tip range bullet cannot issue a cracking report upon exiting the barrel, which makes a rifle run quieter even if it hasn’t got a suppressor.

    Brass cases and non-corrosive primers also help this ammo fire up clean. Reloadable and American-made!
  15. Winchester Super-X 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 60 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 60
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU USA300BXVP
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892226487
    Cost Per Round 96.4¢ per round
    There’s two flavors of 300 AAC Blackout ammo:
    1. Fast and noisy
    2. Slow and subtle
    Both flavors are fine choices. But if you’re in the mood for slow and subtle, then you’ve come to the right online ammo retailer. We’ve got Winchester Super-X heavy 300 BO loads in stock!

    This cartridge’s propellant charge isn’t too weak to cycle a semi-automatic. Its 1,060 fps (and thoroughly subsonic) muzzle velocity is simply the product of its ponderous 200 grain projectile. A bullet that doesn’t shatter the sound barrier also doesn’t issue a piercing report – one reason why this ammo is awesome for a suppressor.

    Another reason is the bullet’s type. The base of the open tip’s core is fully jacketed, which promotes much cleaner performance. Perfect if you don’t relish the task of cleaning your barrel and suppressor baffles. The open tip is also an accurate bullet, as its form-fitted lead core promotes stellar rotational stability. (Please note that the open tip’s bag of tricks does not include terminal expansion.)
  16. Winchester Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout 200 Grain Open Tip – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Winchester
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 200 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip
    Use Type plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU USA300BLKX
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 20892224582
    Cost Per Round 99.2¢ per round
    Winchester loads this 300 AAC Blackout ammunition to deliver both a soft report and excellent accuracy. The magic is all in the bullet: a 200 grain open tip!

    Whereas some types of ammunition rely on a weaker propellant charge to ensure a subsonic muzzle velocity, this round instead utilizes a very heavy bullet. At 200 grains the projectile won’t issue a supersonic crack upon exiting the barrel, but it will still generate enough chamber pressure to fully cycle a semi-auto. This cartridge should function correctly in any 300 Blackout rifle, and its report will only become softer when its bullet passes through a suppressor.

    This round’s bullet is an open tip. Although it has a hollow point, the open tip is designed for accuracy and not expanding terminal ballistics. The aperture in the sleek, aerodynamic projectile’s nose indicates that its lead core is perfectly form-fitting, which alongside its concentric jacket promotes superior gyroscopic stability. Better yet, the open tip’s fully jacketed base will keep your rifle more accurate by preventing lead residue from accumulating on its bore.

    Winchester’s reloadable 300 Blackout ammo is produced in East Alton, Illinois with premium brass cases, non-corrosive primers and low-residue propellant.

    Customer Reviews


    Good stuff.

    Review by DrC (Posted on 11/17/2023)

  17. Magtech First Defense 300 AAC Blackout 123 Grain FMJ - 50 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Magtech
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 123 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 50
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 300BLKB
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 754908209613
    Cost Per Round 99.7¢ per round

    Although developed recently, the 300 AAC Blackout has gained great popularity, helping shooters use a much more effective round in their favorite AR-15. With this new, 30 caliber round, shooters now have further range, more power, and more energy when shooting, helping them take down game, compete in shooting matches, and defend themselves more effectively. Even though it sacrifices some speed for power, the trade off is very much worth it, making this the perfect round for all your shooting needs.

    The Brazilian company Magtech makes some of the best ammunition in the world. Employing only the best, state of the art equipment when manufacturing their ammo and crafting all their rounds in house, Magtech makes just the high quality ammo you are looking for. Firing at 2230 feet per second, these 123 grain, full metal jacket, brass cased, boxer primed, Magtech First Defense rounds are designed for range training and self defense, hitting with all the power and flying with just the accuracy you need.

  18. 300 AAC Blackout - 220 Grain OTM Subsonic - Federal American Eagle - 500 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Federal
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 220 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip Match
    Use Type match or precision shooting, plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 500
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU AE300BLKSUP2
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 50029465064612
    Cost Per Round $1.1 per round

    Thanks to high-quality propellants and precise bullet engineering, these cartridges perform their best when used in suppressed firearms. Because of subsonic loading, these cartridges eliminate the super-sonic crack that suppressors can not silence. They also have a clean-burning powder that minimizes fouling. Order this package and you’ll have 500 rounds of 220-grain .300 AAC Blackout cartridges.

    Because these bullets are designed for sub-sonic performance, they don’t have the rapid speed of other cartridges. They have a muzzle velocity of 1,000 feet per second but only drop to 920 feet per second after 300 yards. Despite the speed, they still have a muzzle energy of 488 foot pounds, making them incredibly reliable at the target.

    These cartridges are made by Federal Premium Ammunition, a leading ammunition company based out of Minnesota. They have a large selection of products for target shooting, hunting of all varieties, and self defense.

  19. Federal 300 AAC 220 Grain American Eagle Suppressor OTM - 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Federal
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 220 Grain
    Bullet Type Open Tip Match
    Use Type match or precision shooting, plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU AE300BLKSUP2
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 29465064617
    Cost Per Round $1.19 per round

    The 300 AAC Blackout is a highly-effective round for accuracy and shot consistency, and few cartridges deliver the level of performance that you’ll get from these 220-grain rounds. This ammunition is especially effective in suppressed firearms, giving you a more convenient and less intrusive way to get your target practice completed.

    These rounds have a muzzle velocity of 1,000 feet per second and an energy of 488 foot pounds. With an open tip match bullet, the round is designed for reduced drag and accuracy while still delivering expansion. They have excellent stability, consistency, and performance that rivals a standard full metal jacket round.

    Federal Premium Ammunition is a leader in top-quality rounds. Since 1922, this Minnesota-based manufacturer has been making cartridges that are trusted by hunters and target shooters. They not only have some of the best round for a wide range of purposes, they also have supplies and equipment for reloading.

  20. Hornady Frontier 300 AAC Blackout 125 Grain FMJ – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 125 Grain
    Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
    Use Type plinking at the range
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU FR400
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 90255713978
    Cost Per Round $1.19 per round
    This 300 AAC Blackout cartridge is from Hornady’s Frontier line of ammunition. While Frontier rounds are frequently manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the United States Army’s relative ambivalence toward the caliber likely contributed to Hornady making this round all by themselves. Still, it evinces through and through the great quality for which Hornady is so revered, and that it has been so painstakingly inspected means it will do wonders for you during your next one-on-one time with your rifle.

    This round’s 125 grain projectile has a full metal jacket, so it’ll function positively in any semi-automatic firearm and preserve accuracy as you shoot. The round’s factory fresh brass casing is sturdy yet supple enough at the neck and shoulder for repeated handloading, and the non-corrosive primer won’t cake your weapon’s sensitive action with residues that would treat it like lunch. Its carefully measured propellant is similarly clean burning as well!
  21. Hornady Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout 190 Grain Sub-X - 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 190 Grain
    Bullet Type Polymer Tipped
    Use Type home defense, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80877
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 10090255808770
    Cost Per Round $1.42 per round
    Hornady's Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout ammo provides excellent terminal performance without the noise and recoil of comparable self-defense rounds. These low-velocity cartridges expand predictably at varying speeds due to the design of the 190 grain Sub-X bullets. Crimped into the mouth of each Boxer-primed brass casing, the Sub-X features a flat polymer Flex-Tip that protects the cavity of the hollow point. On impact, the Flex Tip dissipates as the copper jacket curls back over the soft lead core to create devastating wound paths.

    Shooters with a desire to reload spent casings can reuse the new brass. The brass casings are non-corrosive and filled with clean-igniting powders that help reduce caustic buildup in your barrel.

    Hornady ammunition is American-made and the top choice for many shooters. Order your 200-round bulk case today!

    Customer Reviews

    Might not feed in your AR mags

    I tried this ammo in five different kinds of AR magazines. Failure to feed was a major issue with all of them in my rifle. I suggest trying them in your application before committing to a large order.

    Review by Joe Blow (Posted on 11/16/2019)

  22. Hornady BLACK 300 AAC Blackout 110 Grain V-MAX – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 110 Grain
    Bullet Type V-MAX
    Use Type varmint hunting
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80873
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 90255808735
    Cost Per Round $1.44 per round
    This 300 AAC Blackout cartridge is from Hornady’s BLACK line of ammunition, and as such is laden with features that assure it will fire splendidly out of any black gun that can chamber it, regardless of how it operates. Its high quality brass casing, clean burning propellant, and non-corrosive primer give it a degree of versatility which you’ll value greatly if you’ve several kinds of rifles and want to buy one ammunition for all of them.

    This round’s 110 grain V-MAX projectile is highly accurate thanks both to its streamlined polymer tip and virtually perfectly concentric AMP jacket. Upon impact that tip will drive quickly down the hollow within the bullet’s precisely formed swaged lead core, initiating practically instantaneous fragmentation which is assured to bring down varmint and human-sized target alike. The V-MAX’s efficacy is in no way hindered by this round’s fast 2,375 fps muzzle velocity, either!
  23. Hornady BLACK 300 AAC Blackout 208 Grain A-MAX – 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 208 Grain
    Bullet Type Polymer Tipped
    Use Type match or precision shooting, plinking at the range, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80891
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 10090255808916
    Cost Per Round $1.45 per round
    Hornady’s BLACK line of ammunition is designed to provide seamless functionality in any firearm – but this 300 AAC Blackout round’s A-MAX has a very specific application. It’s all about the accuracy, baby.

    Every molecule of the A-MAX works toward creating the most consistent trajectory possible. Its polymer tip is sharp and centered. Its secant ogive profile stirs up incredibly little drag, and its boat tail further enhances its ability to retain momentum downrange. The A-MAX’s AMP jacket and swaged lead core both ensure exceptional rotational stability. And because this round’s bullet is extremely heavy at 208 grains, it boasts the superior inertia it needs to treat wind drift like it’s nothing. The culmination of all these features? A 0.648 G1 ballistic coefficient .30 cal match grade bullet!

    The A-MAX will send any varmint to an early grave, but don’t let its polymer tip fool you This bullet cannot expand, which makes its terminal ballistics more or less equivalent to those of an FMJ or HPBT. It’s not suitable for hunting whitetail, and it’s really no better for home defense than any run of the mill range load.

    Hornady makes certain their customers can truly appreciate the A-MAX’s outstanding precision by loading their BLACK series ammo with premium brass, propellant and primers. Made in the Cornhusker State!
  24. Hornady Subsonic 300 AAC Blackout 190 Grain Sub-X – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 190 Grain
    Bullet Type Polymer Tipped
    Use Type home defense, Subsonic
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80877
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 90255808773
    Cost Per Round $1.49 per round
    This 300 AAC Blackout round by Hornady has a muzzle velocity of only 1,050 fps. That’s nowhere near what it would take to break the sound barrier, and accordingly very quiet -- especially so if your weapon is outfitted with a silencer. Still, this round is optimal for self-defense, because it features Hornady’s 190 grain Sub-X projectile.

    The Sub-X sports Hornady’s Flex Tip, a post made of soft polymer nestled on the rim of the jacket and which projects downward into a precisely formed cavity within the core. Upon impact the Flex Tip builds up tremendous energy before it connects with the core, at which point it causes the bullet to mushroom outward devastatingly.

    As a cartridge for self-defense, this round is cleverly loaded with temperature stable propellant that has been formulated to reduce muzzle flash upon ignition. That will preserve your vision if you ever have to engage a threat in the nighttime. In spite of its lesser muzzle velocity, this round still meets FBI protocol by penetrating up to 18” with 90 percent or greater weight retention in ballistic gel. This round will not part with its efficacy when fired in a shorter barreled rifle.
  25. Hornady Custom 300 AAC Blackout 135 Grain FTX – 200 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 135 Grain
    Bullet Type Flex-Tip-Technology (FTX)
    Use Type home defense, hunting boar, hunting whitetail deer, varmint hunting
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 200
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80881
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 10090255808817
    Cost Per Round $1.5 per round
    This is a versatile 300 AAC Blackout round from Hornady’s Custom line of ammunition. With its 135 grain FTX bullet it promises both the accuracy and the terminal performance you need not only to hunt deer and coyote, but also to keep your homestead devoid of people who covet the treasures you’ve stored there.

    The FTX features Hornady’s proprietary Flex Tip, a soft polymer spike which enhances the bullet’s ballistic coefficient and also initiates massive expansion beginning at the moment of impact. As the Flex Tip forces its way downward, Hornady’s InterLock ring keeps the bullet’s high antimony lead core and heavy jacket bound together to promote a wound channel that will extend to the vitals. The FTX also features a secant ogive profile that greatly improves its accuracy.

    The motivation behind Custom ammo is to give shooters quality like they might otherwise only have experienced from a handload. These rounds utilize casings and primers that a discerning handloader would also choose for the job, and are inspected by masters of their craft.
  26. Hornady BLACK 300 AAC Blackout 110 Grain NTX – 20 Rounds


    In stock

    Product Type Ammo
    Manufacturer Hornady
    Condition New
    Bullet Weight 110 Grain
    Bullet Type NTX
    Use Type varmint hunting
    Casing Type Brass
    Quantity 20
    Ammo Caliber 300 AAC Blackout
    Manufacturer SKU 80862
    Primer Type Boxer
    Magnetic No
    UPC Barcode 90255808629
    Cost Per Round $1.59 per round
    The good people at Hornady seem to have a real beef with varmints. First they invented the V-MAX, which is one of the finest varmint hunting bullets ever to kill varmints. Then they upped the ante by introducing the NTX – this 300 AAC Blackout cartridge’s lead-free varmint slayer!

    Like the V-MAX, the NTX features a thin and rotationally stable AMP jacket. It pierces the air with a similarly sharp, aerodynamic polymer tip. Its tip’s tail is also embedded in the core, which helps to promote lightning-quick terminal fragmentation immediately following impact. But unlike the V-MAX, the NTX features a copper alloy core. It’s frangible, which means it’ll essentially turn into powder the instant it touches the quarry – yet another reason why the NTX’s terminal performance is so explosive.

    This round’s 110 grain NTX leaps from a 16” barrel at 2,070 fps. If you’re centered up 1.5” and aiming to 200 yards, you’ll get less than 20” drop another 100 yards downrange. And once your target’s pieces have hit the ground, you’ll have a lovely little reloadable brass to remember the occasion by.

26 products