45 ACP Brass Casings
Owners of 1911s and other .45 ACP pistols often handload their own ammunition due to the relatively high cost of loaded ammo. Reloading with 45 ACP brass casings also allows you to fine-tune his or her cartridges to suit various needs.
.45 ACP brass typically uses large pistol primers, though some manufacturers use cases that accept small primers. Don't waste time picking cases off the ground and checking them individually--grab some our affordable, professionally processed brass!
Quality casings can be had from Jagemann, Top Brass, and other companies.
Starline 45 ACP New Unprimed Brass Casings - 100 Casings
$25.85Manufacturer Starline Brass Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 45 ACP (Auto) Manufacturer SKU SU45ACP Quantity 100 This is not loaded ammunition. These are component brass cases, which do not have bullets, primers or propellant. Do not order these cases if you aren’t a handloader (or purchasing a great gift for a handloader).
Sedalia, MO isn’t just famous for its bullets. Thanks to Starline Brass, the city also lays claim to producing some of the finest component cases in the world. Here’s the foundation you need to load your own premium 45 ACP ammunition!
Starline was founded in 1976 by the former president of Sierra Bullets, a former tool and die maker for Sierra, and a local tool and die shop owner. They moved production from Covina, CA to Sedalia in 1992 – a good move for reasons that don’t beg too much elaboration. After decades in business and millions of units produced, Starline is now revered for the consistency and quality of their cases. They ensure greater case wall uniformity by setting up their machines for vertical drawing rather than the more conventional horizontal drawing technique. These cases were produced on state-of-the-art single-purpose machines, and have an overall length of 0.892-0.897”.