Hornady Ammo
Hornady: Accurate, Deadly, Dependable
Hornady Manufacturing was built and thrives to this day on a vision for the future, a trait firmly on display in its ability to harness technology, create cutting-edge designs and craft products enthusiasts deserve. The approach is genetic. The business remains family owned and operated after more than 70 years, and the Hornady spirit appears to be contagious, based on the prowess of its research and development teams.
Hornady History
Joyce Hornady was an avid hunter and shooter who, although deemed too old for service during World War II, taught marksmanship to security forces stationed at Nebraska’s Grand Island Arsenal. The duties didn’t slow his hunting, although the war effort’s drain on stateside supplies made bullets scarce. So, he figured out how to redraw .22-caliber rimfire brass into bullets suitable for centerfire cartridges. Sometime after VJ Day he partnered with Vernon Speer, and the design became available to the public under the “Speer Hornady Bullets” name.
Speer moved to Idaho and built his own legend. Hornady stayed in the Heartland and knew the post-war glut of surplus cartridges was good news for recreational shooters, but also understood the bullets they carried were not ideal for hunting. Add the sudden excess of components—brass, powder, primers—that would make the economy of reloading attractive to returning G.I.s and he saw an opportunity.
In 1949 he opened the doors of Hornady Manufacturing Company in Grand Island, NE. Its motto was, and still is today, “Accurate, deadly, dependable.” A .30-caliber 150-grain spire-point was the first bullet it made—a design that remains popular.
Korean War Slowdown
Sales totaled only $10,000 the first year—not enough to put the books in the black—although the figure tripled in the next 12 months. Staff size grew to four, then the Korean Conflict arrived, and its corresponding scarcity in raw materials. Commercial bullet production slowed, and rather than risk layoffs or idle the business, Hornady entered into a contract with the government to manufacture war effort items.
The approach worked and after fighting stopped production resumed to normal. Business was good and by 1958 it the company had outgrown the mid-town building it launched from—formerly an auto body shop. That year the company opened an 8,000-square foot factory west Grand Island, in an area outside city limits. The facility even included a 200-yard, underground range for testing, another testament to the company’s foresight. The location was remote at the time, but today it’s surrounded by buildings.
Hornady Innovation and Cartridges
Hornady added sales and marketing staff in the 1960s and the pension for innovation shined when company experiments identified an improved bullet design. The secant ogive spire point was the result, and it’s still used in most pointed-bullet profiles to this day. The technical-sounding approach, in simplest terms, improves ballistic coefficient and exterior ballistics by increasing the radius of the circle reflected by the pointy/rounded end of the bullet—in effect, smoothing things, improving aerodynamics and decreasing drag. Common sense, except if that radius gets too large accuracy is lost and if you sacrifice too much of the projectile’s straight-walled section it can have problems settling into the barrel’s rifling. Thankfully the engineers and ballisticians have done all the heavy calculus.
It wasn’t long until the company was offering everything from .22- to .45-caliber bullets for reloaders. Then, in 1964, Hornady rolled out its Frontier Ammunition line of cartridges. Built from surplus brass and Hornady projectiles at strict manufacturing tolerances, it quickly gained favor for performance and affordability.
Staff grew to 40 and sales climbed at an annual rate of 30 percent. Consumer demand was so great that manufacturing space was expanded to 25,000-square feet.
When the Vietnam war began the company faced a different challenge, though. Surplus brass vanished and, to ensure production continued uninterrupted, Hornady entered into mutually beneficial agreements with other major manufacturers. A byproduct of those relationships continues to this day—seen in the number of Hornady bullets in cartridges assembled by other companies.
Joyce Hornady’s youngest son, Steve, came to work for Hornady Manufacturing in 1970. Then in 1971 Hornady Manufacturing purchased Pacific Tool Company—Steve Hornady’s former employer—which had been making reloading presses and gear since 1928. One of the company’s last designs, a progressive press, was so innovative that it continues to be popular to this day.
Despite all the success and challenged, the emphasis on technology and improvement never faltered. In 1965 its engineers developed the Innergroove, scoring inside the bullet to ensure proper “upset” (mushrooming) on impact. The InterLock, which minimizes separation by using an interior ring, came in 1977.
Overcoming Tragedy
Joyce Hornady and two members of his staff died on Jan. 15, 1981, while traveling to the firearm industry’s annual Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show.
Steve Hornady took over as president. His wife Marval, who had already been working for the company for nearly a decade, became chairman of the board. Joyce’s daughter, Margaret Hornady David and her husband left corporate positions at Polaroid to join the team.
Hornady Ammunition
What followed is a rapid and unparalleled harnessing of groundbreaking technology in the company’s cartridges and bullets. A large part of that is the engineers the company has attracted, but without management willing to risk it on a concept, none of it would be possible. If you’re one of the many 6.5 Creedmoor fans, you can thank Hornady. It introduced the cartridge in 2007. More recently it gave us the 6.5 PRC and .300 PRC cartridges. Want reliable feeding and stopping power in your self-defense handgun? Hornady has the answer.
Hornady Critical Defense
One failure in your self-defense gun with your preferred carry cartridge is not acceptable. It’s a simple stovepipe on the range, but in a criminal confrontation, the results can be fatal. Hornady’s Critical Defense and Critical Duty lineup harnesses the company’s FTX (Flex Tip) Bullet tip technology that helps avoid feeding problems, minimizes clogging through barriers like clothing, yet delivers fight-stopping terminal performance. The former is fine-tuned for home- and self-defense, the latter tailored for law enforcement officers, who require better barrier penetration as they protect and serve. The cartridges are available for most handguns and even some long guns.
Hornady Custom XTP
The ultimate in self-defense loads from the company, however, may be it's Custom XTP (eXtreme Terminal Performance) line of cartridges. Renowned for their accuracy, the projectile is a hollowpoint covered in a jacket of gilding metal to ensure unfailing feeding. Serrations ensure proper upset on impact and the swaged core ensures in-flight stability with proper expansion. It’s available for a variety of chamberings.
Hornady LEVERevolution
Historically, one of the big limitations to lever-action rifles is a tubular magazine that requires cartridges to line up, single file. If those loads feature a ballistically superior pointed bullet and one of them strikes the primer ahead with enough force, the results are more than just “surprising.” Hornady was the first to solve the problem and put some exterior ballistics back into the equation using the same FTX technology.
Hornady A-MAX
When precision is key and performance cannot be compromised, take a close look at this Hornady line—from bullets for that precision reloader, to complete cartridges. The A-MAX projectile starts with a secant ogive profile to improve external ballistics, adds a swaged lead core to improve shot-to-shot repeatability and puts it in the company’s AMP jacket, which has virtually zero deviation in wall thickness. Add an ultra-low drag tip to improve ballistic coefficient and its an ideal option for anyone trying to make that long-distance connection, or dozens of them.
Hornady 6.5 Grendel Unprimed Brass Cases - 50
$44.85Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 6.5 Grendel Manufacturer SKU 86283 Quantity 50 If you have a rifle that takes the 6.5 Grendel cartridge, you can save on all of your shooting hobbies by loading your own cartridges. With these unprimed brass cases, you’ll have the foundation for a highly-effective cartridge that will cycle smoothly and deliver the performance you expect.
These unprimed cases have a tight wall concentricity that ensures precise seating of the bullet and aids in a uniform release on ignition. The wall thickness is vital for accuracy, so this case has excellent tolerances for superior performance. These bullets are manufactured for the maximum amount of possible reloads, helping you get long-term reliability and cost savings from your hunting or target-shooting rounds.
While Hornady has excellent unprimed cases, the company is also known for their innovations in bullet design. Founded in 1949 in Nebraska, this company has become one of the most popular manufactures for many different shooting products.
Hornady 270 Win New Unprimed Brass Casings - 50 Casings
$44.85Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 270 Winchester Manufacturer SKU 8635 Quantity 50 This is not loaded ammunition. These are empty component cases: no bullets, no propellant, and no primers either. If you’re looking for 270 Win ammo that you can fire right out of the box, please look here instead.
270 Win isn’t the easiest ammo to find once-fired cases for. It’s not like people are dumping 30-round mags full of the stuff into range targets all day, every day, after all. If you’re having trouble finding the brass you need to load your own Jack O’Connor specials, then your ship has just come in. We’ve got Hornady’s best in stock!
These are the same exact cases Hornady would use to load their own premium 270 Win ammo. Each shell features fundamentally identical wall concentricity and thickness, which is why you can trust it to promote the stellar accuracy handloading is all about. Hornady’s cases are all virtually identical to one another in terms of weight and capacity as well. And they’re strong little numbers to boot. Reload them as many times as you think is reasonable! -
Hornady 308 Win New Unprimed Brass Casings - 50 Casings
$44.85Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 308 Winchester (7.62X51) Manufacturer SKU 8661 Quantity 50 This is not loaded ammunition. Unless you are a handloader who makes his own 308 Win ammo at home, then you’d do yourself a favor by not ordering this nice bag of component cases.
Reloading previously fired 308 Win cases is all well and good most of the time. But when you’re really preparing something special, like a match-grade competition load or a proper hunting cartridge, then you’ve got to start off right by loading virgin brass.
Hornady has served handloaders for as long as they’ve been in business, and their commitment to their original customers really shines through in these cases. They boast consistent weight and capacity, and their walls are uniformly thick and just as concentric. Hornady’s cases are also a great investment because they can be fired many times before they need to be retired!
Need .30 cal bullets? We’ve got you covered in that department, too! -
Hornady 223 Rem New Unprimed Brass Casings - 50 Casings
$34.00Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU 8605 Quantity 50 This is not loaded ammunition. DO NOT order these component cases if you don’t have the skill, equipment, and other components you would need in order to turn them into proper ammo.
It’s not hard to get once-fired 223 Rem brass. Just go to a rifle range and sidle up next to a guy with an AR-15. Once he starts firing, pull out your trusty bucket and catch everything that comes out his rifle (specifically the action – not the muzzle). Presto! You’ll have a bucket full of nice hot brass in no time flat.
But what if you’re loading ammo that’s too special for once-fired shells? Like match loads, or a precision varmint slayers? In that case, you really owe it to yourself to invest in Hornady’s best. These shells have never before glittered in the light of day. They were carefully drawn and tapered to ensure peak wall concentricity, totally uniform wall thickness, and unvarying weight and capacity. Hornacy’s quality assurance protocol includes a pressure calibration test that ensures uniform expansion during ignition. It’s the whole shebang, and it’s yours with the fastest shipping in the world when you order today! -
Hornady 243 Win New Unprimed Brass Casings - 50 Casings
$44.00Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 243 Winchester Manufacturer SKU 8620 Quantity 50 This is not loaded ammunition. If you’re not a handloader, then you’re going to be seriously bummed out if you get these component cases the day before you leave for your hunting trip.
Hornady was established to provide high-quality handloading components to American hunters. The Nebraskan company has since started offering loaded ammo, but they never abandoned their foundational mission.
9mm. 223 Rem. 12 Gauge. It’s easy to find empty shells for all of these cartridges – just go to a range and look down. What you will not find are mountains of 243 Win brass littering the ground, but that’s OK. Hornady’s got you covered!
Hornady invests lots of time, energy, and high-quality brass into making these cases. They’re designed to chamber perfectly and seat their bullets just as well, and have the tight wall concentricity, consistent weight and capacity, and uniform thickness which all breed great accuracy. Hornady’s cases stay strong long after other manufacturers’ give out, so you can count on reloading these beauties as many times as you see fit! -
Hornady 338 Lapua Mag New Unprimed Brass Casings - 20 Casings
$57.85Manufacturer Hornady Product Type Unprimed Casings Ammo Caliber 338 Lapua Magnum Manufacturer SKU 8684 Quantity 20 This is not loaded ammunition. These are brass cases only. If you don’t load your own ammunition, then you have absolutely zero reason to order this product!
The 338 Lapua Magnum is a true sharpshooter’s cartridge. You may be perfectly satisfied with the accuracy you get out of factory-loaded ammunition. But if you’re aiming to test the limits of your long-range marksmanship, only your own handloads will do!
Hornady offers the ideal foundation for any match-accurate cartridge. This empty, unprimed brass case was precisely drawn, tapered and cut at the same factory all of Hornady’s other fine products originate in. Each case possesses tight wall concentricity to ensure proper chambering and steady release of the bullet on ignition. Its uniformly thick walls promote the accuracy a benchrest shooter needs in order to do his best work. Hornady’s cases are all consistent in capacity and weight, and boast the exceptional toughness requisite for repeat reloads. You’ll be glad these hand-inspected shells fell into your “lap!” -
Hornady .355 Diameter Bullets - 124 Grain FMJ - 2900 Count
$369.85Cost Per Bullet 12.7¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 124 Grain Bullet Caliber 357 Sig, 9mm Quantity 2900 Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Enclosed Base (FMJE) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 35577B These .355 inch diameter projectiles from Hornady are perfect for reloading 9mm Luger and .357 SIG for both training and competitive purposes. Hornady constructs these rounds using an AMP (Advanced Manufacturing Process) copper jacket which is thicker than conventional coatings and reduces deformities while maintaining consistent wall thickness and concentric shape throughout the entire bullet. In addition, these 124 grain projectiles high grade FMJ bullets.
Hornady is one of the most trusted and recognizable names in hunting, sporting, and defensive ammunition production and is well respected for their unique projectiles. Be sure to pick up some small primers and pistol powder to go with your bulk projectile order.
Customer Reviews
They discharged in a manner that is satifoctory to my needs.
They delivered on time. The product was as described. The product loaded well, with about 500 successfully discharged for fun and sampling at the end build of the 2900-provided projectiles. There are no issues to report.
Review by New loader Dec 2023 (Posted on 5/28/2024)
My reloading order
Good price, great product & very good service. I will be back soon.
Review by 357 Butch (Posted on 5/2/2021)
Great bullets!
Glad you had these in stock! Great bullets for reloading and accurate for practice.
Review by Recargador (Posted on 5/24/2020)
Hornady .355 Diameter Bullets - 115 Grain HAP Bulk - 3000 Count
$387.85Cost Per Bullet 12.9¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 115 Grain Bullet Caliber 9mm Quantity 3000 Bullet Type Hornady Action Pistol (HAP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 35528B Hornady Action Pistol (HAP) bullets are a direct response to competitive shooters buying up XTP projectiles for their reloading needs. By comparison to XTPs, the HAP design is less expensive and not designed to expand, but retains the hollow cavity, longer body, and immaculate jacket and lead core quality that match shooters have come to appreciate. That makes these .355 inch diameter bullets a smart choice for custom handloads that will be used in IDPA, USPSA, IPSC, or just practice.
Each projectile weighs in at 115 grains and has a copper-jacketed profile that is appropriate for high-velocity loads. The sleek, slanted ogive feeds excellently while the core and jacket exhibit a high level of uniformity in their dimensions and density. This balance will contribute to more accurate loads once your cartridges are complete. Hornady has been around since 1949 and makes some of the most unique, sought-after projectiles in the United States.
Customer Reviews
Hands Down.... Best All Around
Whether it is an up close coyote shot, or a bunch of targets, or God forbid a feral pig sneaking into the property... these 9mms provide you with the fun and security needed for anyone who may carry. If you reload, it is your responsibility to develop your rounds so they will function in your weapon. I have three nines, and two are distinct in their cartridge preference length. Strange.... but no one likes the idea of a feral pig coming you, and jammed gun. The bullets are beautiful - they are HORNADYs!!! And they do expand. They don't pancake, but they distort enough to be effective. For the price, my friends think I'm rich, because HAP is all I have been using for years. I'm not rich, I'm blessed to have a good place to buy these bullets from. The 115 grains & the 125 grains are equally good. So what's in your barrel?
Review by Charlie (Posted on 3/6/2025)
The 9 mm were fantastic!
The 9 mm are fantastic!
Review by Kathy (Posted on 2/25/2021)
115 gr hornady hap
Ordered bulk 3000. Shipping was excellent. Extremely acurate and consistent reloading qualities. Extremely satisfied with this bullets.
Review by Rick (Posted on 9/9/2019)
Used for Bullseye with 9mm pistols and they are accurate
In bulk (3000) the price is good for use in accuracy competitions. Wideners has had best price. Use Berry 115 HB for practice.
Review by James Smith (Posted on 5/22/2017)
I'm an accuracy nut, an 82-year-old accuracy nut. NRA Classified Lifetime master, Aw the good old days!
After switching from 1911's to Glock for CCDW & Home defense I became obsessed with the idea of getting my Glock’s to shoot like my custom 1911 target guns.
So, to make a long story short, using the 115 gr. Hornady HAP bullets and shooting from my ransom rest at 25 yards I can now get consistent 5 shot groups less than 2 inches at 25 yards, and 10 shot groups frequently 2 inches, or less at the same distance.
They are listed as a target bullet but shooting them and FMJ bullets into soft dirt, and mud 10 to 15 yards they do expand and the size of impact holes are noticeable larger with the HAP bullet.
Reliability in feeding? I had to work with the overall length a while, but this is my 3rd case of these and have not had a single failure to function since the first 200 rounds while working out what the overall length my guns liked.
Hornady 115 gr. HAP, That’s my bullet for 9mm.
Review by TwoGlock (Posted on 3/16/2017)
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 55 Grain FMJBT W/C - 100 Count
$14.00Cost Per Bullet 14¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2267 Customer Reviews
This is a gteat bullet for the price!
It's tough to find a higher quality bullet for this price.
Review by Tom (Posted on 8/10/2020)
Very impressed with the speed I received my order. Will order agin.
Seems to be a very good company to deal with.
Review by Steve (Posted on 8/10/2020)
They shot good.
Used them in a ar and a bolt gun. They shot good in both.
Review by Michael (Posted on 6/7/2020)
Hornady .356 Diameter Bullets - 125 Grain HAP - 3000 Count
$449.85Cost Per Bullet 15¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 125 Grain Bullet Caliber 357 Sig, 38 Super, 9mm Quantity 3000 Bullet Type Hornady Action Pistol (HAP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 35572B With this box, you’ll get 3,000 rounds of 9mm HAP bullets, which stands for Hornady Action Pistol. They are highly refined, making them the perfect competition bullet. They have no exposed lead, a swaged core for better balance, and a copper jacket that gives off less fouling in the barrel. These 125-grain bullets will help you become a more accurate and more successful target shooter.
Odds are good you know Hornady - they've been creating innovative ammunition products since the 1940’s. The are based out of Nebraska and create leading bullets for rifles and handguns.
The 9mm is a top choice among law enforcement, target shooters, and anyone who wants a reliable tool for self defense. The cartridge delivers excellent speed and consistent terminal performance, making it a common round at target ranges all across the United States. If you shoot a 9mm round, you can reload your brass with excellent bullets from Hornady, one of the nation’s most innovative ammunition manufacturers.
Customer Reviews
Good service
Good price and very fast delivery
Review by Phil (Posted on 8/22/2024)
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 53 Grain HP - 6000 Count
$980.00Cost Per Bullet 16.3¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 53 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 6000 Bullet Type Hollow-Point (HP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2250B Few cartridges have the speed, accuracy, and versatility of the .223 Remington. This round, which has gained a popular following thanks to the “AR” style firearms, has become one of the most commonly used bullets for both hunting and target shooting. Thanks to a strong load and a light yet capable bullet, gun owners use this type of cartridge for all sorts of game, including predators, wild hogs, and even some species of deer.
If you want a high-quality bullets for your .223 rounds, pick up this box of 6,000 hollow point projectiles. You’ll be able to reload your cases with bullets that are effective in the field or at the range, thanks in large part to the hollow point tip that ensures effective performance upon impact.
Hornady is one of the top names in rifle ammunition. They are known for their innovative designs and dedication to accuracy. They not only create top-quality bullets for rifles, they also have some of the best cartridges for handguns and shotguns.
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 75 Grain HPBT MATCH - 4000 Count
$749.85Cost Per Bullet 18.7¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 75 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 4000 Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2279B If you own a rifle that takes .223 Remington cartridges, you need to stock up on the finest and most reliable bullets for reloading your cases. With this box, you’ll get 4,000 reloadable bullets from Hornady, one of the top names in ammo manufacturing. The .223 Remington case is extremely effective for both hunting and target shooting, so make sure you have the right bullets for reloading them properly.
This box gives you 75-grain bullets that are fast, effective, and reliable. Not only do they have accurate performance downrange, the heavier bullet (compared to the typical 55-grain) and hollow point ensures outstanding terminal performance. The AMP jacket is consistent from front to back, and the swaged lead core ensures greater balance.
Hornady has some of the best ammo choices for both rifles and handguns. You can turn to this manufacturer for both target shooting, reloading supplies, and hunting, making them a top choice among experienced gun owners.
Customer Reviews
Very good product for CMP/N.R.A. high power
I use these in high power/service rifle mid range matches. A quality product at a great price point. On my third case now.
Review by Jeep (Posted on 10/14/2024)
Hornady .451 Diameter Bullets - 185 Grain HAP Bulk - 1900 Count
$379.85Cost Per Bullet 20¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 185 Grain Bullet Caliber 45 ACP, 45 GAP Quantity 1900 Bullet Type Hornady Action Pistol (HAP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 45105B The 185-grain bullet has no exposed lead, which helps with smooth feeding, ensuring a jam doesn’t cost you a match. The swaged core enhances balance and external performance, while the hollow point delivers terminal ballistics that meet your high standards. With these .451-diameter bullets, you’ll be all set for a full day at the range.
If you shoot the .45 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) round, you understand the need for an affordable yet effective cartridge. Make sure you are reloading your spent cases with high-quality bullets by ordering this 1,900-count box. You’ll get powerful and accurate ammunition that uses Hornady’s HAP design, which is intended for competition shooting.
Hornady is known for innovation and performance. This company was founded in 1949 with the goal of creating superior ammunition for varmint, big game, and target shooting. Through advanced research and design, they have become one of the most popular brand for many different purposes.
Customer Reviews
Despite the couple of bad reviews of this Hornady product my experience is just the opposite. The HAPs both 200 and 185 will shoot very tight groups and at book or higher velocities.
Review by Dead Eye (Posted on 7/22/2024)
good projectile
I love loading and shooting these. easy to load and nice shooting. I do prefer a 200gr but these are fine. As mentioned, they may not be bullseye quality but i shoot lead SWC when i want to be tight. I will say these perform better at higher velocities. When i load down in the 700's they do get loose and seem to like 900 or even a little faster, especially out of tight barrels. So if you aren't getting the accuracy you want maybe drop a few more grains in and see if it helps
Review by jason (Posted on 6/5/2023)
HAPs are very accurate and easy to load. Hornady's manual has many loads for the 185, 200, and 230 grains HAP.
Review by Gunny (Posted on 2/3/2023)
Very disappointed
I bought these bullets a while ago to shoot bullseye at 50 yards. I have loaded these bullets with various different powders and loads and I have come to the conclusion that they just don't shoot accurately. Sorry, but I would not buy them again. I have had other issues with the Hornaday brand and I am staying away.
Review by Till (Posted on 12/14/2022)
Very good performing bulk target bullets
I have purchased a couple cases each of these HAP bullets in 9mm, 45 and 40 caliber. They perform well accuracy wise, I’m getting ¾-1” groups at 25yds out of a Sig P220 and a Wiley Clapp 1911 Government, both with Barsto barrels. I would caution that the jackets are thin or soft as I reloaded some Federal primed brass that had bullet sealant and it caused the cone to deform on the 40 caliber bullets.
Review by Mark (Posted on 5/27/2016)
Hornady .222 Diameter Bullets - 75 Grain HPBT MATCH - 600 Count
$124.85Cost Per Bullet 20.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 75 Grain Bullet Caliber 222 Rem Quantity 600 Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22796 -
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 52 Grain HPBT MATCH - 100 Count
$20.85Cost Per Bullet 20.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 52 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2249 Customer Reviews
Great service, great price
Great to reload
Review by Grsmith (Posted on 11/17/2023)
Very Accurate Bullet!!!
Love these bullets! We want to get them in the 1000 ea. size box!!!!!
Review by Grog (Posted on 9/29/2023)
top quality
Would go again
Review by jewatso (Posted on 1/2/2023)
Total satisfaction
Top quality Hornady products , great Widener s service and a good price ; TOTAL SATISFACTION !
Review by Shoot n Crazy (Posted on 9/21/2020)
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 53 Grain V-MAX - 100 Count
$21.85- Buy 5 at $17.85 /each and save
Cost Per Bullet 17.8¢ to 21.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 53 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type V-MAX Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22265 If you use the .223 Remington cartridge for varmint hunting, order this 100-count box from Hornady and you’ll have effective reloading bullets for your empty cases. These 53-grain bullets are from Hornady’s V-MAX brand, which is specifically-design to give maximum effectiveness on larger varmints like coyote.
From front to back, these .224-inch diameter bullets have innovative features that make the projectile extremely reliable in varmint hunting situations. They have a polymer tip that allows the bullet to cut through the air while providing excellent terminal ballistics. The swaged lead core give the bullet balance during flight, while the aerodynamic profile further enhances long-range accuracy.
When you are looking for reliable, effective bullets and whole ammunition, you can turn to Hornady. This innovative company has been providing world-class shooting products to American gun owners since 1949. Whether you are a recreational shooter, hunter, or elite competition marksman, you can find the ammo you need from Hornady.
Customer Reviews
I will be ordering from Widners again.
Review by Bwhntr53 (Posted on 12/28/2020)
Product has performed as expected...will purchase again
Built a rifle specifically for this bullet and it has performed to my expectations. Accurate and devastating on coyotes. Wideners processed my order and shipped very fast. Very pleased.
Review by Geno (Posted on 12/28/2020)
Received in timely manner considering the way things are now.
Glad I was able to get some on these bullets.
Seems like everyone is out of these.Review by DR. DOOM (Posted on 12/26/2020)
Just what I ordered.
Received my order in three time frame specified. Great service.
Review by Don (Posted on 12/25/2020)
Hornady 224 53gr
Good quality and a great price. I had awesome service, Thank you Rich
Review by Rich (Posted on 12/24/2020)
Hornady Varmint Express 17 HM2 17 Grain V-MAX – 500 Rounds
$109.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 17 Grain Bullet Type V-MAX Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 17 HM2 (Mach 2) Manufacturer SKU 83177 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 20090255831775 Cost Per Round 22¢ per round History may have been drastically altered if our ancestors had access to this 17 HM2 cartridge from Hornady’s Varmint Express line of ammunition. Had everyone opened fire on every rat that crossed their paths back in the 14th century, Europe might not have lost more than half her population to the bubonic plague. Unfortunately we just didn’t have the technology yet, but that means if another bubonic plague decimates us again we’ve only ourselves to blame for letting it happen.
This round sports a 17 grain V-MAX projectile, which features a polymer tip that streamlines its profile for superior accuracy. The tip rests over a hollow in the bullet’s swaged lead core, into which it is driven upon impact where it initiates instantaneous fragmentation that would prove disastrous for any varmint, plague rat or otherwise. Each of these 500 cartridges further features a select brass casing, reliable rimfire primer, and consistent propellant load. -
Hornady .355 Diameter Bullets - 115 Grain XTP HP - 100 Count
$22.85Cost Per Bullet 22.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 115 Grain Bullet Caliber 357 Sig, 9mm Quantity 100 Bullet Type Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 35540 Customer Reviews
Excellent product at a great price , will be back again if the price stays the same as the last time I purchased some fifteen years ago, good job
Review by RC (Posted on 12/22/2021)
Review by Steve (Posted on 10/10/2021)
These bullets always work very well.
Review by RANDY (Posted on 5/24/2021)
Very nice craftsmanship
I love these jhp bullets I now have loads of them ready to go no feed issues once correct seating depth is achieved
Review by Andrew (Posted on 5/3/2021)
Excellent bullets at a fair price
I was thrilled to be able to find these excellent bullets in stock
During this craziness . The Widener co.was great to deal with ,
Shipping was quick , the price was good . I’ve never been disappointed
With anything carrying the Hornadys name , it’s a name I trust .Review by Garander (Posted on 12/14/2020)
Excellent transaction
Product was exactly as described. Shipping was incredibly fast. I would highly recommend Wideners to everyone.
Review by Lee (Posted on 12/14/2020)
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 55 Grain V-MAX W/C - 100 Count
$22.85Cost Per Bullet 22.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type V-MAX Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22272 Customer Reviews
Excellent bullets!
The Hornady V-MAX bullets are exactly what I was looking for when I discovered Wideners, and the quality is as good as I thought it would be.
Review by Ray O (Posted on 3/13/2023)
Fast shipping
Great product great price, thanks
Review by Butch (Posted on 4/9/2022)
Superb bullet
Using them in 223 superb accuracy
Ballistics show 3100 ft./s
Review by Mouse (Posted on 2/21/2022)
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 75 Grain HPBT MATCH - 100 Count
$23.85Cost Per Bullet 23.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 75 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2279 Customer Reviews
Love these! very accurate!
I am impressed with these! very accurate, good price. i only use these for sighting in optics at 300yd where you want consistency!
Review by match (Posted on 5/3/2022)
should work on big hogs better than 55 gr.
Wanted a heaver bullet for hogs
Review by hog hunter (Posted on 8/17/2021)
I tried a couple of powders, and found a good load with each of them.
Review by Bob (Posted on 6/21/2021)
Match Bullets
They seem pretty consistent. Haven't had a chance to shoot the loaded ammo yet.
Review by Ted (Posted on 6/14/2021)
Look no further
Looking for a new loading for a new long range SDMR/SPR 20" AR I was fortunate to pick these Hornady 75gr HPBT early on. I matched them with 24gr. Varget, and 19.5gr.IMR4198. Both of these loading were VERY accurate grouping .250" to .750" at 100yards. Other powders that worked were H322, H355, 748 but the IMR4198 was best. Please use my info only as a recommendation all reloading safety should be taken and is your responsibility.
Review by justGerry (Posted on 4/20/2019)
Hornady 17 HM2 17 Grain V-MAX - 50 Rounds
$12.55Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 17 Grain Bullet Type V-MAX Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 17 HM2 (Mach 2) Manufacturer SKU 83177 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255831771 Cost Per Round 25.1¢ per round This .17 HM2 (not to be confused with .17 HMR, which which it is not interchangeable) ammunition from Hornady is a fearsome varmint load ideal for squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, and other small pests.
Each cartridge in this box of 50 fires a light 17 grain V-MAX hollow point bullet at 2,100 feet per second. The V-MAX is a polymer-tipped design optimized for rapid fragmentation.
Hornady is the developer of the HM2 cartridge and the manufacturer of this ammo. This ammo is made in the USA.
Hornady .309 Diameter Bullets - 90 Grain XTP HP - 100 Count
$25.85Cost Per Bullet 25.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 90 Grain Bullet Caliber 7.62 X 25 Tokarev Quantity 100 Bullet Type Jacketed Hollow-Point (JHP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 31000 Hornady's eXtreme Terminal Performance (XTP) line of projectiles are designed for hunting, self-defense and law-enforcement applications. Each bullet in this box of 100 has a .309" diameter and is 90 grains. These Hollow Point (HP) projectiles have tapered jackets with precise serrations cut into them that promote controlled and uniform expansion even at low velocities. The lead core is totally uniform which provides greater in-flight stability and balanced expansion. Hornady has earned a reputation for providing shooters with very accurate and consistent projectiles.
Don't forget to check out Widener's selection of Brass, while you're here.
**This is not loaded ammunition.** -
Hornady .204 Diameter Bullets - 32 Grain V-MAX - 100 Count
$26.85Cost Per Bullet 26.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 32 Grain Bullet Caliber 204 Ruger Quantity 100 Bullet Type V-MAX Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22004 Hornady's V-MAX line of projectiles are a fantastic choice for custom varmint and predator loads. Each bullet in this box of 100 has a .204" diameter, is 32 grains, and has a sharp polymer tip. These bullets have a swaged lead core and a small cavity under the polymer tip that promotes dramatic fragmentation of the jacket and core, even at lower velocities. V-MAX projectiles are engineered with a very aerodynamic profile and a high ballistic coefficient to give shooters the highest level of accuracy and in-flight stability.
Don't forget to check out Widener's selection of Brass, while you're here.
**This is not loaded ammunition.** -
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 35 Grain V-MAX - 100 Count
$27.85Cost Per Bullet 27.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 35 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 100 Bullet Type V-MAX Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22252 -
Hornady .312 Diameter Bullets - 85 Grain XTP HP - 100 Count
$28.75Cost Per Bullet 28.7¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 85 Grain Bullet Caliber 32 ACP Quantity 100 Bullet Type XTP Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 32050 -
Hornady .204 Diameter Bullets - 24 Grain NTX - 100 Count
$28.85Cost Per Bullet 28.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 24 Grain Bullet Caliber 204 Ruger Quantity 100 Bullet Type Polymer Tipped Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22000 Hornady's NXT line provides shooters with accurate and reliable projectiles that have non-traditional cores. Each bullet in this box of 100 is .204" in diameter, weighs 24 grains and houses a polymer tip. These projectiles are designed to be compliant with shooting and hunting areas that have lead restrictions. Hornady engineered these lead free bullets to have ultra flat trajectories and a streamlined profile. These projectiles have a match grade copper jacket design to provide exceptional accuracy at any range. These bullets are California compatible.
Don't forget to check out Widener's selection of Brass, while you're here.
**This is not loaded ammunition.** -
Hornady .400 Diameter Bullets - 200 Grain XTP – 100 Count
$28.85- Buy 5 at $25.85 /each and save
Cost Per Bullet 25.8¢ to 28.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 200 Grain Bullet Caliber 10mm, 40 S&W Quantity 100 Bullet Type XTP Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 40060 This is not loaded ammunition. You cannot fire these components bullets right out of the box. You have to load them first, just like you have to cook a Thanksgiving turkey before you can eat it.
Are you loading your own 40 S&W self-defense loads? Are you loading your own 10mm hunting loads? Or are you just trying to create the most accurate .40 cal cartridges possible? It all starts with the Hornady eXtreme Terminal Performance.
When you load these 0.400” diameter 200 grain bullets, you get to appreciate just how many features Hornady is able to pack into a single drawn gilding metal jacket. The XTP’s protective jacket doesn’t let its swaged lead core touch the feed ramp, and it also keeps the nose cavity’s rim from deforming during initial impact. That preserves the jacketed hollow point’s ability to produce wide terminal expansion. The XTP’s jacket is notched, and it becomes increasingly thinner the closer it gets to the rim – two features which also promote more reliable expansion. Its core uniformity and jacket concentricity also give the XTP awesome accuracy. You will not be misusing these bullets if you only load them in match rounds!
Hornady is one of America’s most respected bullet manufacturers. Uniform in weight and dimensions, their XTP represents the old Nebraskan company’s very best work!Customer Reviews
Hard hitting.
Review by Arbcruiser (Posted on 3/6/2023)
Great bullet
Love these bullets, buy them when ever they are on sale. Very hard hitting HP.
Review by PCFlorida (Posted on 9/5/2016)
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 150 Grain Round Nose - 100 Count
$31.85Cost Per Bullet 31.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 150 Grain Bullet Caliber 30 Caliber, 300 AAC Blackout, 308 Win Quantity 100 Bullet Type Round Nose Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 3035 Customer Reviews
I immediately reloaded them and they look great
Perfect bullets for my 1884 model. I will buy again
Review by JIM (Posted on 3/26/2024)
I ordered these for my brother Kevin so that maybe he can get more accurate loads for his 30-30. They loaded up great . They look great. I'm sure they will perform.
Review by Kevin's 30-30 (Posted on 11/6/2023)
Hard to find
Finally reloading bullets.
Review by Kevin (Posted on 1/17/2023)
HAPPY TO FINALLY FIND THEMReview by JAY (Posted on 11/2/2022)
Great for 30-30
Great in a 30-30 for hogs
Review by Two Bit (Posted on 3/29/2022)
Perfect for my old .30-30
I inherited my Grandad's Savage .30-30 several years ago and still like reloading my brass to save money and also have developed a very accurate load for the 150 grain projectile. Thanks to Wideners they had what I needed to keep this old rifle in the hunt!
Review by Mountain snowman (Posted on 2/21/2022)
Exactly what I was looking for and received in the time frame I wanted
Quality product at fair price delivered quicker than I expected
Review by Mdf (Posted on 10/14/2021)
Wideners has quality bar none
Searching high and low for Hornidy and they had exactly what I needed . Good service ordering and shipping time was good as well. Will definitely look to Wideners first for my reloading supplies .
Review by Bassman69 (Posted on 10/4/2021)
Great for 30-30 Winchester
Great item for the saddle rifle and held up under velocity . Great bullet and wideners was great online. Great prices and fast service
Review by Danbob (Posted on 9/13/2021)
Excellent service
Product was delivered ahead of projected date. Will definitely do business again
Review by John (Posted on 9/13/2021)
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 150 Grain Round Nose
exactly what I wanted. I am reloading these for my daughters pre-64 1894 for fall hunting. I love the quality and performance of Hornady bullets.
Review by mark (Posted on 8/30/2021)
only place i found that even had these bullets
good deal and its the only place i have found that even had these bullets
Review by walt (Posted on 8/29/2021)
I want to thank everyone for the great service I received from your company.You were able to right a problem and made me very happy.Well done!
Thank you
Review by Scott (Posted on 8/19/2021)
Excellent quality
Hornady products are first in my choice for reloading components. Consistent sizing and weight consistency.
Review by Jerry (Posted on 7/19/2021)
308 bullets
Very pleased with your process from ordering to the delivery
Review by Rick (Posted on 7/15/2021)
Good service.
Review by Thanks (Posted on 7/12/2021)
Easy to use website and check out, Good price, fast shipping and the best thing found some hard to find 30-30 bullets by Hornady
Review by Joemolf (Posted on 6/29/2021)
It will be great to reload some 30-30 again.
Hornady makes some of the very best bullets. I have used their products for decades and they've never let me down.
Review by Jim (Posted on 6/28/2021)
Quality Product
I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a quality 30-30 bullet and fast shipping from Wiedner’s.
Review by Jerry (Posted on 6/27/2021)
Excellent service.
When no one else had what I needed you did, I thank you for that. Someday we will be back to normal.
Review by Spencer (Posted on 6/14/2021)
Excellent product, excellent service
Great to find Bullets in short supply
Review by Lynn (Posted on 6/14/2021)
Great 30-30 bullets
About the only bullet I load for 30-30. They do what they are supposed to do.
Review by kenneth (Posted on 6/10/2021)
Just what I needed
Just what I needed for my 30-30 reloads. Good quality from Hornady. Wideners got the order processed quickly. Very pleased!
Review by Gm (Posted on 6/9/2021)
30-30 bullets
Had hard to find reloading supplies.
Good service, good delivery time.Review by Glen (Posted on 6/7/2021)
Good product delivered
These are the same quality bullets for 30-30 that Hornaday has made for decades. When gun shop shelves were completely bare of any suitable bullets Widener's shipped them to me in a week.
Review by vtsnowedin (Posted on 5/31/2021)
Very satisfied
Reloaded some 30 30 win. Got a chance to test them this weekend and I was highly satisfied. I used large pistol primers and they worked fine in the 30 30. I will be ordering more from wideners. Shipping was very quick.
Review by Fred (Posted on 5/31/2021)
Fast delivery under the COVID-19 circumstances.
Very nice to deal with. Hornady still very good bullets.
Review by Jeannied (Posted on 3/1/2021)
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 168 Grain HPBT MATCH - 100 Count
$32.85Cost Per Bullet 32.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 168 Grain Bullet Caliber 30 Caliber, 300 AAC Blackout, 308 Win Quantity 100 Bullet Type Hollow-Point Boat Tail (HP-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 30501 -
Hornady 22 WMR 30 Grain V-MAX Polymer Tip Ammo - 500 Rounds
$164.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 30 Grain Bullet Type V-MAX Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 22 Magnum (WMR) Manufacturer SKU 83202 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 20090255832024 Cost Per Round 33¢ per round This 22 WMR is the epitome of a quality performing rimfire ammunition. The engineering of this product with the V-Max Polymer Tipped projectiles result in unmatched accuracy at longer distances. It has a muzzle velocity of 2,200 feet per second and excellent terminal performance out to 125 yards. Whether you are looking to hunt some varmint or just a great training ammo, this bulk 22 WMR is just what you're looking for.
Hornady knows how to culminate tradition with innovation with their ammunition. Whether it is hunting, sporting, or self-defense, Hornady listens and delivers. Hornady leaders use the highest quality powders and components, advanced technology, and deliver record-setting ammunition!
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 125 Grain SST - 100 Count
$33.00Cost Per Bullet 33¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 125 Grain Bullet Caliber 30 Caliber, 30-06, 30-40 Krag, 300 AAC Blackout, 300 Rem SAUM, 300 Rem Ultra Mag, 300 Savage, 300 Weatherby, 300 Win Mag, 300 Win Short Mag, 300 WSM, 308 Win Quantity 100 Bullet Type SST Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 3019 Customer Reviews
Good product. Shipped quickly.
Used to load 300blk. Shipped quickly. Couldn’t find this particular grain bullet at any local big box stores. Price was better than other stores I compared to. Great for a supersonic load that gives me a super hot round without overloading or going +p.
Review by Dan (Posted on 1/8/2024)
Seem good so far.
I haven't done any real ballistics tests of these yet but the bullet weights are all extremely close and no deformation of any bullets in packaging or shipping, tips all in good shape.
Review by Bryan (Posted on 8/7/2017)
Hornady .310 Diameter Bullets - 174 Grain FMJBT - 100 Count
$33.85Cost Per Bullet 33.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 174 Grain Bullet Caliber 303 Brit, 7.62x39, 7.7 Jap Quantity 100 Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 3131 -
Hornady .257 Diameter Bullets - 60 Grain FSP - 100 Count
$34.85Cost Per Bullet 34.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 60 Grain Bullet Caliber 25 Caliber, 25-06, 257 Weatherby Mag Quantity 100 Bullet Type Flat Soft-Point (FSP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2510 -
Hornady 17 HMR 17 Grain V-MAX - 50 Rounds
$17.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 17 Grain Bullet Type V-MAX Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 17 HMR Manufacturer SKU 83170 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255831702 Cost Per Round 35.7¢ per round These Hornady rounds use a 17-grain V-MAX bullet that has a polymer tip and swaged lead core for greater balance, enhancing accuracy at greater distances. With a boat tail design and light profile, the bullet is excellent for straight-line shooting. The bullet is aerodynamic and delivers superior ballistic performance. In this package, you'll get a single box that contains 50 rounds ready to fire.
Hornady is one of the most popular brands for rifle and handgun ammunition. This innovative company creates supreme rimfire and centerfire rifle ammunition, as well as handgun rounds that can be used for target shooting, hunting, and self defense. Since 1949, Hornady has been a top choice for gun owners all across the country.
The .17HMR is one of the top ammunition choices for affordable target shooting and small game hunting. By delivering excellent speed and accuracy in a small projectile, the .17 HMR is commonly used for squirrel and rabbit hunting, and can even be effective to varmints. With this box, you’ll have 50 rounds for your .17 HMR rifle.
Hornady 17 HMR 20 Grain XTP HP - 50 Rounds
$17.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 20 Grain Bullet Type XTP Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 17 HMR Manufacturer SKU 83172 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255831726 Cost Per Round 35.7¢ per round 50 rounds of Hornady 17 HMR ammo that'll have your gun firing for a while and your face smiling for even longer! The Rimfire primer, 20 Grain XTP bullet and Brass cases on these New rounds make for the perfect companion for varmint hunting. Pick up some rounds today and you'll get fast shipping along with Widener's world class service. -
Hornady 22 WMR 30 Grain V-MAX - 50 Rounds
$18.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 30 Grain Bullet Type V-MAX Use Type varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 22 Magnum (WMR) Manufacturer SKU 83202 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255832020 Cost Per Round 37.7¢ per round The 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, or 22 WMR, has been around since 1959 and is a wonderful varmint and small game cartridge. Although this round fell out of popularity for a while, Hornady's release of the cartridge in their line of V-Max ammo brought it back with the increased speed, lethality, and accuracy.
Since 1949, Hornady has been dedicated to delivering high quality components and finished ammunition. The V-Max line is designed to deliver explosive expansion and fragmentation for efficient varmint hunting. These 22 WMR rounds feature a 30 grain projectile that leaves the barrel around 2200 feet per second. Those varmints won't stand a chance!
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 180 Grain SPBT - 100 Count
$37.85Cost Per Bullet 37.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 180 Grain Bullet Caliber 30 Caliber, 300 AAC Blackout, 308 Win Quantity 100 Bullet Type Spitzer Boat Tail Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 3072 -
Hornady .308 Diameter Bullets - 180 Grain SST - 100 Count
$38.50Cost Per Bullet 38.5¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 180 Grain Bullet Caliber 30 Caliber, 30-06, 30-40 Krag, 300 AAC Blackout, 300 Rem SAUM, 300 Rem Ultra Mag, 300 Savage, 300 Weatherby, 300 Win Mag, 300 Win Short Mag, 300 WSM, 308 Win Quantity 100 Bullet Type SST Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 30702 -
Hornady Critical Defense 22 WMR 45 Grain FTX – 500 Rounds
$194.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 45 Grain Bullet Type Flex-Tip-Technology (FTX) Use Type home defense, Subsonic Casing Type Nickel-Plated Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 22 Magnum (WMR) Manufacturer SKU 83200 Primer Type Rimfire Magnetic No UPC Barcode 20090255832000 Cost Per Round 39¢ per round This 22 WMR cartridge by Hornady is poised to give your snubnosed pistol exactly what it needs to become an effective tool for self-defense. Its 45 grain FTX projectile penetrates deeply -- as much as 11” in bare ballistic gel -- so it has got the power it needs to make it to a threat’s vitals. The FTX’s Flex Tip is soft, and initiates catastrophic expansion as it burrows through a target. The solid polymer tube further serves to ensure that the FTX’s hollow point nose cavity doesn’t become obstructed by fabric upon impact.
A Critical Defense load’s brass casing is plated with shiny nickel, which facilitates a chamber check in a dark environment. Nickel also protects this round’s sensitive components from corrosion, and ensures smoother feeding and ejection as well. Hornady had the foresight to load this round with low-flash propellant, so bright muzzle flashes won’t chip away at your night vision and worsen your ability to place accurate follow-up shots. -
Hornady .264 Diameter Bullets - 143 Grain ELD-X – 100 Count
$39.85Cost Per Bullet 39.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 143 Grain Bullet Caliber 260 Remington, 6.5mm, 6.5mm Grendel, 6.5x284 Norma, 6.5x55 Quantity 100 Bullet Type ELD-X Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2635 Give your next 6.5 Creedmoor handload the accuracy and the terminal performance it needs to take down game from virtually any distance with the ELD-X projectile! This .264” diameter 143 grain bullet features Hornady’s own Heat Shield tip, which is made of polymer that won’t warp and deform as it’s violently heated by passing air molecules. Its unvarying meplat is complemented greatly by its extremely concentric Advanced Manufacturing Process jacket, aerodynamic secant ogive profile, and tapered base.
The ELD-X features the patented InterLock ring which mechanically binds its core and thick jacket together. As the result the bullet is able to retain no less than half of its weight as it plows into a target at higher velocities while still expanding significantly. At lower velocities the ELD-X’s Heat Shield tip drives inward to trigger even greater expansion, penetrating deeply while retaining up to 90 percent of its weight. Handloading takes too much time and care to let the end result hinge on an inferior bullet -- let Hornady’s peerless commitment to quality take your work to the next level!Customer Reviews
Very accurate!
Very accurate in RAP Go Wild with brake. Am hitting cans at 485 yards using 41 grains of Varget and Fed primers.
Review by MTM 1 (Posted on 12/28/2019)
long distance hogs
I am firing these bullets in my X-Bolt Long Ranger 6.5 Creedmore. Have verified via witnesses shots at 400 yds +, one shot kills, all pass throughs, instant kills on all targets... Great bullet...
Review by piggy piggy (Posted on 5/23/2019)
Hornady .264 Diameter (6.5mm) Bullets - 140 Grain ELD Match – 100 Count
$39.85Cost Per Bullet 39.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 140 Grain Bullet Caliber 260 Remington, 6.5mm, 6.5mm Grendel, 6.5x284 Norma, 6.5x55 Quantity 100 Bullet Type ELD Match Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 26331 This .264” diameter 140 grain bullet by Hornady will yield handloads with the precision usually afforded to surgical instruments, because it is an Extremely Low Drag Match. The ELD Match features its manufacturer’s revolutionary Heat Shield tip, a precisely formed spear of polymer which is totally immune to the aerodynamic heating it is subjected to at high velocities. As the result, this bullet’s meplat will always stay sharp and symmetrical so that you can group shots tighter than an investment banker’s lips while he’s on trial for money laundering.
The ELD Match further owes its gnat swatting accuracy to its secant ogive profile which greatly decreases its bearing surface, its virtually perfectly concentric AMP jacket that optimizes its rotational stability in flight, and the tapered base of its boat tail design. Hornady has even gone so far as to measure the ELD Match’s ballistic coefficient via Doppler radar to correct it to standard atmospheric conditions. So flat a trajectory, so much retained velocity downrange, and such superior resistance to wind drift will make your handloads the best ammo wherever you take them!Customer Reviews
Great bullets an actually in stock :-)
Nice to see someone actually had these bullets in stock. Plus didn't ask a ridiculous price .
Review by Pyro patriot (Posted on 1/18/2022)
Hornady .264 Diameter Bullets - 160 Grain InterLock – 100 Count
$44.85Cost Per Bullet 44.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 160 Grain Bullet Caliber 6.5mm, 6.5mm Grendel, 6.5x55 Quantity 100 Bullet Type Round Nose Soft Point (RNSP) Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 2640 This is not loaded ammunition. These are component bullets, and they are only useful to handloaders.
Do you intend to load some 6.5 Grendel hunting ammunition? Solid plan. Let Hornady take care of the all-important bullet side of things courtesy of their famous InterLock!
The InterLock is a high-tech round nose soft point projectile. This 160 grain bullet takes its name from Hornady’s InterLock ring, which is an extension of the jacket that is embedded in the bullet’s lead core. This keeps the two components anchored tightly together, thus assuring the InterLock retains a high percentage of its weight even following high-velocity impact. The InterLock doubles down with a cannelure which does even more to prevent core/jacket separation.
The InterLock is designed to put down game fast. The jacket surrounding its blunt nose has skives, which direct reliable mushrooming even if the bullet strikes its target with very little energy. The jacket is additionally tapered to control reliable expansion as well. Hornady reports the 160 grain InterLock’s G1 BC at 0.283, and its sectional density at 0.328. -
Hornady 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ-BT - 500 Rounds
Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Use Type plinking at the range Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU 80275 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 10090255802754 Cost Per Round 45¢ per round This high grade .223 Remington ammunition from Hornady is an excellent choice for discerning shooters who want better performance than what typical range fodder can provide, but don't want to spend large amounts on match-grade ammo.
Each round in this case of 500 (split into 10 boxes of 50 rounds each) fires a 55 grain boat-tailed full metal jacket bullet at a muzzle velocity of 3,240 feet per second. This produces ballistics similar to M193 ball ammo.
Hornady ammo is loaded in Grand Island, Nebraska and uses non-corrosive Boxer primers and reloadable brass cases.
Hornady Frontier 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ – 500 Rounds
$239.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Use Type plinking at the range Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU FR1005 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 10090255715238 Cost Per Round 48¢ per round Captain Kirk said space is the final frontier. Well, we’ve got an even better kind of frontier in our warehouse: Hornady Frontier. This 223 Rem ammo features the Nebraskan company’s high-quality bullets, and it is loaded in the heart of Missouri at the feds’ own Lake City Army Ammunition Plant.
Hornady’s full metal jacket projectile is nothing out of the ordinary – just an aerodynamic bolt of brass-jacketed lead, which hits a velocity of 3,240 fps out of a 24” barrel and doesn’t become slower than the speed of sound until about 700 yards. If you zero in at 100 yards, then the bullet’s trajectory should peak about 1/2” above the bore line before reaching the target.
This ammo’s military-grade cases aren’t reloaded. They were drawn, tapered, cut and annealed at Lake City’s own factory. The cases weren’t polished there, however, which is why the brass is darker around its neck and shoulder. No old primers here! Just the noncorrosive Boxers that’ll keep your rifle silky smooth. -
Hornady .338 Diameter Bullets - 200 Grain SST - 100 Count
$52.85Cost Per Bullet 52.8¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 200 Grain Bullet Caliber 338 Lapua Quantity 100 Bullet Type SST Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 33102 -
Hornady Frontier 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ – 50 Rounds
$26.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Use Type plinking at the range Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU FR1005 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255715231 Cost Per Round 53.7¢ per round Here’s the problem: You ain’t got no 223 Rem ammo.
Here’s the solution: Hornady Frontier 223 Rem ammo!
Hornady is one of America’s most highly respected bullet artisans. Their projectiles are prized by handloading enthusiasts across the country – but you don’t have to be a handloader to make good use of them. Here’s your chance to appreciate Hornady’s high-quality full metal jacket in action, right out of the box!
This cartridge’s 55 grain FMJ is nonmagnetic, smooth-feeding, aerodynamic, and not much else. It’s ideal for target shooting and other scenarios where terminal expansion would provide no real advantage. An FMJ won’t deliver quite as dramatic terminal ballistics as a V-MAX or other similar polymer-tipped projectile, but it’s still plenty effective for tagging small game. Shoot that pesky porcupine before it can get to your poor, innocent dog!
This ammo is loaded by the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant – same outfit that makes most of the small arms materiel for the U.S. Armed Forces. Noncorrosive Boxer primers. Factory-fresh brass cases, which weren’t polished after they were heat-treated and are therefore darker-colored around their necks and shoulders. Hornady recorded this round’s muzzle velocity and 0.243 G1 BC with a 24” test barrel.
Want to handload those cases? Check out our selection of .224” component bullets! -
Hornady 223 Rem 55 Grain SP - 500 Rounds
$269.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Soft-Point (SP) Use Type home defense, hunting boar, hunting whitetail deer, varmint hunting Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU 80255 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 10090255802556 Cost Per Round 54¢ per round Developed out of a need for quality ammunition in the aftermath of World War Two, Hornady has been providing consumers with quality ammo for decades. Today, they continue their legacy as one of the best ammunition manufacturers.
Looking for some cheap .223 ammo to do a massive amount of shooting? You have just that right here. With 500 rounds of .223 Rem ammo, you can plink away or hone in your shooting skills and even hunt boar for quite a while. This high quality Hornady ammo fires at 3240 feet per second, and with a 55 grain SP round traveling like that, you should have no problem wiping out those pesky varmints or putting pork on the table.
Hornady .224 Diameter Bullets - 55 Grain GMX - 50 Count
$27.50Cost Per Bullet 55¢ per bullet Product Type Bullets Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Caliber 223 Rem Quantity 50 Bullet Type GMX Manufacturer Hornady Manufacturer SKU 22273 You’ll get 50 Hornady GMX bullets in this package, with each of them offering fantastic performance. The 55-grain bullets use a copper alloy construction, which delivers controlled expansion and weight retention. The pressure-relieving grooves reduce fouling, and the tip is colored for easy identification.
The .223 Remington is one of the best rounds for both varmint hunting and target shooting. It has an outstanding reputation for accuracy, and delivers some of the best terminal performance in the ammo industry. These rounds are very popular, and although the cartridge is relatively inexpensive, it can be costly to shoot on a regular basis. That’s why so many people choose to reload their spend .223 brass with fresh bullets like these GMX projectiles.
Hornady is one of the top names in the ammo industry. The company has been making rounds since 1949, and now creates a huge selection of ammo supplies, including reloading bullets and empty brass cases. You can also turn to Hornady for complete center and rimfire cartridges.
Customer Reviews
Correct product and delivered quickly.
Easy to order, quickly shipped, correct product and quickly delivered.
Review by Tim (Posted on 10/13/2024)
Hornady 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ-BT - 50 Rounds
$28.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJ-BT) Use Type plinking at the range Casing Type Brass Quantity 50 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU 80275 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 90255802757 Cost Per Round 57.7¢ per round Whether you're training for a competitive shoot or simply want high quality .223 Remington ammunition, this target load from Hornady will serve you well. These cartridges come packaged in convenient 50 round boxes--because let's face it, most of us fire more than 20 rounds at each range session!
These cartridges have external ballistics comparable to those of M193 ball, firing a 55 grain boat-tailed full metal jacket bullet at 3,240 feet per second.
This ammunition is made in Grand Island, Nebraska using non-corrosive primers and brass cases.
Hornady Frontier 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ – 500 Rounds
$304.85Product Type Ammo Manufacturer Hornady Condition New Bullet Weight 55 Grain Bullet Type Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Use Type plinking at the range Casing Type Brass Quantity 500 Ammo Caliber 223 Remington Manufacturer SKU FR100 Primer Type Boxer Magnetic No UPC Barcode 10090255711261 Cost Per Round 61¢ per round If you’ve got an AR-15, then you know how quickly the little thing can gobble up ammo. Keeping it in good supply of the stuff can be a challenge -- it’s not uncommon for an AR-15 owner to feel like a mother bird that has to perpetually stick worms down its fledgling’s gullet. When you need high quality rounds, you can always bank on Hornady. The old Nebraskan master has one of the tightest quality assurance protocols that we know about, and that really shows in their products’ consistently great performance.
This 223 Rem cartridge has a 55 grain projectile. The bullet’s jacket is drawn extremely concentrically, which along with its fast 3,240 fps muzzle velocity assures a flat and accurate trajectory. This bullet’s jacket further serves to promote certain feeding through a semi-automatic, and to prevent rapid fouling within the bore as well. This round’s military grade primer and propellant both burn clean to preserve a rifle’s action, and its brand new brass casing is ready for multiple trips across the reloading bench.