Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick
The United States Practical Shooting Association competition, commonly called USPSA, is one of the most fun action sports. USPSA promotes safe and fun participation in practical shooting sports. It is one of the largest practical shooting organizations in the US, with over 30,000 active members spread out across more than 400 clubs.
Before signing up for a local or larger match, ask the shooting range whether you need a membership to USPSA or the range to compete. For most local matches, especially as a first-time shooter, you don’t have to have a member ID number. However, for sanctioned matches, state matches, and others, level 2 or higher, you’ll need to be an official USPSA member with a member number to participate.
Remember, no matter what shooting competition you decide to compete in, it is your responsibility to read the rule book before participating. You can find the complete USPSA rule book on their website at USPSA.ORG.
Shooting A USPSA Competition
A standard USPSA match consists of multiple stages. USPSA stages focus on accuracy and speed. You can have low round count stages, focused strictly on fundamentals, such as strong hand-only shooting or mandatory reloads. You will also see high round count stages, technical in design to force movement, eye speed, accuracy, and reloading under pressure. The round count is important to know as some divisions only allow for 8 or 10 rounds per magazine or 6 rounds in a cylinder for revolvers vs. other divisions that allow 170mm magazines that typically hold anywhere from 26 to 30 rounds.
Let’s talk about divisions in USPSA. USPSA divisions are first dictated by the type of gun you want to compete with – pistol, revolver, and pistol caliber carbine. Divisions such as Production and Carry Optics have a specific approved gun list on the USPSA website that tell you what guns are legal to use in these divisions.
Divisions are also separated by iron sights vs. optic sights, magazine length limits, and more. There are also two scoring categories that some divisions have based on ammunition – this is called power factor and there is minor and major power factor minimum requirements in USPSA. Competitors are grouped into these divisions to ensure that each participant can compete against their peers with similar guns, optics, and equipment.
Major VS Minor Power Factor
You can compete in a USPSA match using major, or minor power factor, however, be aware of the scoring differences for points.
Before I jump into divisions, let’s take a look at major versus minor power factor. Understanding power factor scoring is important because it applies to how the USPSA divisions are scored. Rounds with a power factor score of 165 or higher are considered major, rounds with a power factor score lower than 165 are considered minor. Be aware that a power factor of 125 is the minimum that can be used for competition.
How is power factor determined? A basic formula is used to determine power factor in USPSA scoring based on the power of the round. It works by taking your bullet’s muzzle velocity and multiplying it by the grain weight of the bullet. That number is rounded up to the closest whole number and divided by 1,000 resulting in a 3-digit power factor.
Scoring A USPSA Match
USPSA cardboard targets have three scoring zones, A, C, and D. USPSA scores steel targets as 5 points for both major and minor power factors. Major and minor power factors play a significant role in scoring during USPSA matches. Competing with a major power factor gun gives you the opportunity to score more points in the C and D zones than shooting minor power factor. Each paper target is worth a potential 10 points, which means each stage is worth a set number of maximum points once you combine all the target values.
Major Power Factor Scores:
- A Zone: 5 Points
- C Zone: 4 Points
- D Zone: 2 Points
Minor Power Factor Scores:
- A Zone: 5 Points
- C Zone: 3 Points
- D Zone: 1 Points
Metal Plate Dimensions/Scores:
Metal plates must be set up to fall on impact, plate tolerance +/- .25″ in measurement.
Round | Dimension | Square/Rectangle |
8″ Diameter | Min Dimension | 6″ Each Side |
12″ Diameter | Max Dimension | 6″ Each Side |
5 Points | Minor & Major PF Scoring | 5 Points |
As mentioned, USPSA competitions use a mix of steel and paper targets. In USPSA, you shoot paper twice and steel must fall to score. Some stages may dictate you have to shoot paper three times, but for general rules, paper is scored from two shots per target. The way USPSA matches are scored are by a hit factor (points per second). Your hit factor is determined by taking the number of points you have, subtracting your penalties, and dividing that number by the time it took to complete the stage.
USPSA Divisions
Choosing the USPSA division you want to compete in is an exciting part of getting in on the action.
USPSA divisions are separated by the types of guns allowed in each division, and the approved modifications to those guns. Other deciding factors for divisions include magazine capacity, gun size, and weight, and the ability to run optics. Choosing a USPSA division is an exciting part of getting in on the action. Depending on your setup, you may find that one gun will allow you to compete in multiple divisions, with few modifications.
A holster is required to compete in USPSA shooting sports, other than in the PCC division. Providing the Division does not restrict the type or physical location of the holster, inside the waistband or concealment holsters are legal, as long as the firearms can safely be drawn and replaced, and so doing does not break any safety rules. There are essentially two types of holsters you see in USPSA – your typical Kydex holster and “race style holsters,” where the pistol’s trigger guard is covered, but nothing else.
Production Division
The production division is limited to off the shelf production guns with limited modifications. Production division recently moved from a 10-round per magazine limit to 15-rounds. The maximum number of shots that can be set for any one stage is 32 rounds, so a minimum of three magazines for Production Divison is a good idea to have.
Division Requirements:
- Minor Power Factor
- Magazine must fit inside measurement box when inserted
- Max Ammo Capacity: 15 Rounds
- Max Gun Weight (With Empty Magazine inserted): 59 ounces
- Firearm Requirements: Only Double Action, Double Action/Single Action, and Safe Action/Striker-fired handguns are allowed and must be on the approved list.
USPSA Limited Division
The limited division is generally the division most first-time competitors get started in. If your handgun has iron sights on it, there’s a good chance it fulfills the requirements needed for competing. Some stages require up to 32 shots, however, magazine capacities are not limited, so many competitors get by with carrying two full-size magazines.
Division Requirements:
- Major & Minor Power Factor
- Magazine max length: 141.25mm or 171.25mm in single stack guns.
- Max Ammo Capacity: None
Limited 10 Division
The limited 10 division is the same as the Limited Division, but with the stipulation that magazines have a 10-round limit.
Division Requirements:
- Major & Minor Power Factor
- Magazine max length: 141.25mm or 171.25mm in single stack guns.
- Max Ammo Capacity: 10 Rounds
USPSA Open Division
The open division has fewer equipment restrictions than other divisions. Modified race guns, custom holsters, high-capacity magazines, and frame-mounted red dot sights are common in this division. Speed and power factor play a larger role in achieving success in open division.
Division Requirements:
- Major & Minor Power Factor
- Magazine max length: 171.25mm
- Max Ammo Capacity: None
- Frame-mounted optics permitted
Carry Optics Division
The carry optics division is limited to off the shelf production guns with slide mounted red dot optics. Limited modifications are allowed on the gun. Similar to the limited division, magazine capacities are not limited, so many competitors carry full size magazines to complete stages.
Division Requirements:
- Minor Power Factor only
- Magazine max length 141.25 mm
- Max Ammo Capacity: None
- Optical/electronic sights REQUIRED; must be attached directly to slide between the rear of slide and ejection port, and may not be mounted to the frame in any way
- Max Gun Weight (W/ Empty Mag): 59 ounces with optic and empty magazine inserted
- Firearm Requirements: Only Double Action, Double Action/Single Action, and Safe Action/Striker Fired handguns are allowed, and must be on the approved list.
Limited Optics Division
The Limited Optics Division is now a fully recognized USPSA division. This division was previously voted on as provisional by the members of USPSA. Unlike Limited and Limited 10 divisions, this division was voted to be a minor power factor only to make it more equitable for scoring. This division requires the use of an optic, and allows for higher capacity magazines just as the Limited Division does.
Division Requirements:
- Minor Power Factor
- Magazine max length: 141.25mm 171.25mm in single stack guns.
- Max Ammo Capacity: None
- Optical/electronic sights REQUIRED; must be attached directly to slide between rear of slide and ejection port, and may not be mounted to the frame in any way.
Single Stack Division
The single stack division is for 1911 production-type pistols. Must be available to the general public and have their basis in the original 1911 service pistol as designed by John M. Browning. Pistols made from components that duplicate the factory originals are acceptable. Frames must be metal. Modular frames in the 1911 style, which use traditional single-stack 1911 magazines, are allowed. Guns for this division must fit into a box with specific dimensions and weigh no more than 45 ounces with an empty magazine inserted.
Division Requirements:
- Major & Minor Power Factor
- Magazine must fit inside measurement box when inserted
- Max Ammo Capacity: 8 Rounds (Major Power Factor)
- Max Ammo Capacity: 10 Rounds (Minor Power Factor)
- Max Gun Weight (W/ Empty Mag): 45 ounces
- Firearm Requirements: 1911 production pistols only
Revolver Division
The revolver division is for revolvers only. Participants may choose between revolvers which hold six rounds for major power factor, or revolvers which hold eight rounds for minor power factor. You may use moon clips and belt hangers for faster reloads.
Division Requirements:
- Major & Minor Power Factor
- Max Ammo Capacity: 6 Rounds (Major Power Factor)
- Max Ammo Capacity: 8 Rounds (Minor Power Factor)
PCC Division
The PCC division requires the use of a pistol caliber carbine rifle for participation. There are very few equipment restrictions in this division. PCC division permits red dot optics, high-capacity magazines, and compensators.
Division Requirements:
- Minor Power Factor
- Max Ammo Capacity: None
The 180 Rule
The only thing that matters when competing in USPSA or any shooting sport is shooting safely with a gun you can manipulate, control, clear malfunctions, and move with. If you aren’t comfortable with your firearm of choice, it can be dangerous for you to shoot with it. If you’re simply nervous because you’ve never competed for, that’s normal. Spend time dry firing first or practicing moving and shooting at your local range before putting yourself under the pressure of the timer.
I want to talk about the 180 rule. Stages will be designed with a rear fault line that designates your “180” degrees of how far left or how far right you can point your gun safely without getting disqualified. Essentially, if you shoot backwards at a target you’ve moved too far past, and end up pointing your gun at 200 degrees in one direction, this is not safe and you will be disqualified. Typically, shooters who move from pistol to PCC have a difficult time learning the safest way to move around barricades, around corners, or in a retreat with a carbine than with a pistol. Make sure to always keep your muzzle pointed within this 180 degrees – it counts left, right, up, and down.
Trigger Finger Placement
The other thing most new shooters forget is to keep their finger off the trigger unless they are actively shooting at a target. When you move from one position to the next, your trigger finger should come out of the trigger guard and be visibly clear to the range officers that your finger isn’t on the trigger, isn’t holding down the trigger, and isn’t in the trigger guard in any way. If you infringe upon this rule, the range officer will disqualify you.
Safety is everything. While competition can be stressful, it’s important to remember that it’s just a game and a game isn’t as important as everyone’s safety.
USPSA Equipment Overview:
Your competition handgun (or PCC), and accessories will vary, depending on the USPSA division you compete in.
USPSA shooting is very much a prepared sport of having a competition belt, at least 2-5 magazines on your belt depending on your division, a competition holster, and other gear. The competition uses pistols or a pistol caliber carbine depending on the division you choose. I’ll discuss some of the equipment and gear I bring to matches in the next section.
Handgun Options
For USPSA, I would recommend starting out with a gun you are comfortable with shooting accurately and quickly. There are many different divisions to consider such as carry optics, single stack, limited, and more. However, before getting into all of that, find a gun that’s easy to find magazines, ammo, and a competition holster for competing.
Here’s a short list of recommended handguns:
- Glock 17, 19, or 34
- Canik SFx or SFx Rival or Rival-S
- Smith & Wesson M&P full size
- Walther PDP or Q5 pistols
- Any double stack 1911. I shoot a Nighthawk BDS9, however the Springfield Prodigy 5″ is an affordable option.
Pistol Caliber Carbine Options
For PCC options, there are a few to choose from depending on your budget. I recommend looking at:
- Davinci Machining DG-9 Competition ready PCC
- Taran Tactical Innovations TR-9
- JP Rifles PCC
- If you can find a used Brekke Custom PCC, those run great
- Palmetto State Armory is your most budget-friendly option
- Or build your own carbine!
Depending on the division you shoot in USPSA, you can have only 15 rounds per magazine or load up your magazines to the top. I recommend getting 5 magazines minimum per competition gun. If you switch divisions at any time, you’ll always have the gear you need to shoot a match.
Belts & Holsters
For USPSA competition belts, you want to look for something thick but can fit through your belt loops. It needs to be sturdy enough to hold 3-5 loaded magazines on one side, and a competition holster and loaded firearm on the other. I recommend starting with a Safariland ELS belt or a Velcro system high-speed belt. Since you can draw from IWB, you can also use your carry belt such as Nexbelt, KORE systems belt, or Hunter Constantine carry belt.
USPSA Match: What To Bring
Look for personal protective equipment (PPE) that meets or exceeds safety standards before purchasing it and competing with it.
Eyes and Ears: I highly recommend investing in a quality pair of eyewear and hearing protection, both specifically designed for shooting. This means ANSI rated lenses and high-decibel-rated hearing protection. The top brand in eyewear in competition sports these days is Hunters HD Gold, followed by Oakley Standard Issue, Warbird Pro, and Wiley X, to name a few. Quality hearing protection of muffs and in ear protection are made by brands such as Walkers, Savior Equipment, Howard Leight, ISOtunes, and more.
Cleaning Kit: Murphy’s law occurs more often than we want it to. It is a great idea to keep a small cleaning kit in your range bag, equipped with any takedown tools, a bore snake, and gun oil, at a minimum.
Tools: Essential tools that you might not think of, but are a good idea to have, include Real Avid tools such as their simple Pistol Gun Tool to tighten any optic or grip screws, also a punch kit for removing magazine base plates and a magazine brush to clean out any clogged magazines. Spare parts you should have handy include spare fiber optic if you run iron sights or extra batteries if you run a red dot optic. You might need small parts such as extractors, and spare springs when you least expect them.
Chamber Flag: If you shoot PCC division, you will have to have a chamber flag and either transport the gun on a gun cart OR in a locked or zipped case.
Water and Food – You have to be responsible for your health throughout any weather. Always pack protein snacks, water, hydration packets, and Hoppes Lead Off wipes to keep yourself from ingesting lead.
Competition Ammo
Choosing the right ammo for competition can be just as important as choosing the right gun.
Ammo cost is something you’ll need to consider. I chose 9mm because it’s cheap and easy to find. I shoot training ammo for practicing at the range, and quality heavier grain bullets for competitions. The most important thing to do once you have figured out the firearm and caliber is to stick with it.
Many people also reload their own ammunition to be closer to the minimum power factor, whether they’re competing in major or minor power factor.
A local match can run anywhere from 4-8 stages so I’d at least bring 200 rounds of ammo to a local match, if not 250. Major matches that are level 2 usually are 10-12 stages, and for those, I recommend bringing 350 rounds on the low end, 450 to be safe.
For Nationals, I highly recommend bringing 800 rounds at least. This accounts for using a chronograph, sighting in again if needed, any potential re-shoots, and plenty of extra for makeup shots.
Here’s a short list of recommended 9mm ammo:
- Federal Gold Medal Action Pistol 147 grain
- Federal Syntech Action Pistol 150gr
- PMC 147 Competition Ammo
- Fiocchi Pistol Shooting Dynamics 147 grain
- Sig Sauer Elite Performance Ammunition 147 grain
Registering For USPSA Matches
If you’re interested in shooting USPSA, attend matches and talk to other competitors in your area. Remember to have fun!
Search for USPSA competitions or visit the website to search for upcoming matches. You don’t have to be a USPSA member to shoot most local level I matches, but signing up as a member has its perks! Members receive classification status and an ID number to track their performance. Members can participate in qualifying level II and III matches, and be ranked/scored nationwide.
The best way to start participating in USPSA is to attend a match in person. I can guarantee that you will have a lot of fun. Go be a spectator, talk to the range master, and ask as many questions as you can. If people offer to show you their gear or let you use theirs to try it out, always accept. The best way to learn what works best for you is to try out as much gear as you can before purchasing!