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M14 VS M1 Garand

M14 VS M1 Garand

By Guy J. Sagi So you want to buy a classic battle rifle? Fair enough. It’s something that most men desire to own in their lifetime. Sure, you could buy a Rolex, Leica camera, or some other luxury tchotchke. But there’s something about a linseed oil-rubbed woodgrain stock and parkerized stainless steel finish that excites […]

Audie Murphy

Audie Murphy: The Diminutive Giant

For boys growing up during the years right after World War II, no name spoke of heroism more than Audie Murphy. It didn’t matter that most kids didn’t know much about him or precisely what he did. We just knew he was our country’s greatest war hero, and we wanted to be like him. “You […]

garand thumb

What Is Garand Thumb?

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase Garand thumb? Is it the YouTuber (a.k.a. Mike Jones) showing videos of firearms and combat techniques on his channel? Or is the banged-up thumb or discolored thumbnail you got from the bolt of an M1 Garand slamming closed on it? If you’ve ever reloaded an M1 […]

chesty puller

Chesty Puller: Marine Legend

With an iconic phrase, Gen. Chesty Puller once responded to a young Marine who asked permission to be married. His answer was typical of the man everyone called a Marine’s Marine, and this authentic hard-ass never minced words or hid the total loyalty he gave to his beloved Corps. “Son, when the Marine Corps wants […]

Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill: England’s Lion

Winston Churchill was arguably the most quotable world leader of all time–and never more so than during the darkest days of World War II. As Nazi Germany’s Luftwaffe pummeled London and other English cities with bombs in the early days of the war, Churchill’s inspirational messages conveyed inexorable courage and steadfastness to the people of […]