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Tag: suppressed 9mm

Dead Air Wolfman

Dead Air Wolfman: Suppressor Review

A suppressor is a suppressor, right? Not exactly. Much like firearms, there is a lot of disparity in the suppressor market. I’ve fired so-so suppressors that are good if you are on a budget, and I’ve used top-of-the-line options. Recently, I purchased the Dead Air Silencers Wolfman Suppressor, a versatile, modular option with a competitive […]

Best Suppressed 9mm Pistol

Best Suppressed 9mm Pistol

We’ve all been there. You’ve picked out a suppressor, but can’t decide on which handgun to attach it to. To make things worse, manufacturers do a poor job of documenting which pistols are suppressor-ready. I’ll do what I can to help, giving you my list of six suppressor-ready pistols, meaning handguns with threaded barrels straight […]