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Tag: sniper rifle

a photo illustrating the history of the mosin nagant rifle

History of the Mosin Nagant Rifle

On the American market, the 1891 Mosin Nagant has gone from bargain beater to a prized mil surplus possession. All in the span of a few, perplexingly short years. In some ways, the astronomical prices of Garands, Mausers, and Enfields generated an increased demand for WWII-era pieces by younger collectors. The Mosin fell at a […]

a photo of a man shooting the best mosin nagant ammo outdoors

Best Mosin Nagant Ammo

By Guy J. Sagi Mosin-Nagants are often homely, always loud and not generally known to be precision rifles. However, if you go to a gun show, you’ll notice a line at the dealer tables to purchase these historical long guns. So why are these surplus rifles so desirable? For starters, they are budget-friendly. Plus, Mosin […]