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Tag: rifle

Police Ammo

Police Ammo: What Do They Use?

The difficult job of being a police officer requires purpose-driven ammunition. For this article, we’ve interviewed Officer Mike Perez of the Metro DC police. Perez explains common police ammo, and why there’s been a shift in ammunition choice with ballistic advancements. As you’ll see, police officers share many of the same concerns about ammunition as […]

Carbine VS Rifle

Carbine VS Rifle: What’s The Difference?

By Guy J. Sagi The border that determines whether a firearm is a carbine VS rifle is a fluid one. A 20″ barrel has been the informal boundary for years. Anything shorter than 20″ is a carbine, and anything longer is a rifle. Except for shotguns, which don’t qualify as either.   The 20” definition remains […]

a photo of cool guy showing how to buy your first gun

How To Choose A Gun – A First-Timer’s Guide

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Now that you’ve decided to buy your first gun, you’ve got to choose what gun to get. While it helps to ask others their opinions, you’re going to get all sorts of recommendations on what your first gun should be. It’s great to get feedback about certain firearms, but when going […]