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Tag: manufacturer

Beretta History

Beretta History: Italian Innovation

Beretta history spans nearly 500 years, which makes it one of the most renowned firearms manufacturers and a cornerstone of the industry. Since its founding in 1526, this legendary Italian manufacturer has adapted to technological progress while keeping its dedication to consistent craftsmanship.  Beretta has made extensive contributions to military and civilian markets with its […]

sig sauer history

SIG Sauer History

SIG Sauer may be a well-known name in the firearms industry today, but it didn’t start as one. Instead, Friedrich Peyer im Hof, Heinrich Moser, and Conrad Neher founded the company in Switzerland in 1853 to produce wagons and railway cars. It’s a long road from wagons to handguns, but that’s part of the fun […]

titanium guns

Titanium Guns: Why Aren’t They Common?

Titanium is a strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant transition metal with a silver color. It’s often used in the aerospace industry due to its ability to withstand extreme temperatures. Because of its excellent strength-to-weight ratio, this metal has become part of numerous everyday items such as bicycles, golf clubs, and even mobile phones. So why don’t we […]