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Tag: history

General Douglas MacArthur

General Douglas MacArthur: Quartermaster General

General Douglas MacArthur was a man of rare antinomy. While his bravery is legendary, historians equally well-documented his failures. President Trump called MacArthur his favorite military leader, however, President Harry Truman was not enamored. Having removed him from command during the Korean War because he “wouldn’t respect the authority of the President.” In an article […]

Jesse James

Jesse James: American Outlaw

Jesse James did not want to be called a thief. After all, General Ulysses Grant and his Union troops were the real thieves, having stolen everything from James’s beloved South, and Jesse did not want to be associated with the Union Army’s kind of thievery. After the Civil War ended in defeat for the South, […]

an illustration depicting the 2019 film entitled 1917

The Guns Of ‘1917’

It was called “the war to end all wars,” and one can easily understand the reasoning. After all, how could any future conflict compare? It was a tragedy that played out on the world’s stage. Costing the lives of 13 million civilians, nine million soldiers, and millions more as a result of genocides and the […]

a photo of WWII pistols

World War II Pistols

If you’re like most history buffs, whenever you hear “World War II” and “pistols,” you anticipate that “General George C. Patton” is soon to follow. And for a good reason: arguably the most celebrated fighting general of the war, Patton carried his ivory-handled pistols whether he was on the battlefield or in the rear planning […]