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Tag: history

Daniel Daly

Daniel Daly: Medal Of Honor

The United States awards the Medal of Honor to a select few. It’s for those displaying “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.” It’s the highest medal for valor in combat that members of the armed services can earn. The long history of the Medal […]

roy benavidez

Roy Benavidez: Medal Of Honor

The Warrior Ethos is part of the Soldier’s Creed and was essential to Roy Benavidez’s life. Though every soldier learns it in basic training, few exemplified it as he did. In the Vietnam War, Sgt. Benavidez distinguished himself with a physical and mental toughness that earned him the Medal of Honor. I will always place […]

Wild Bill Hickok

Wild Bill Hickok: A Wild West Original

Born James Butler Hickok, everyone remembers him as “Wild Bill.” Many consider him the first famous gunfighter of the American West. During his relatively short life, he worked as a gold prospector, bodyguard, killer, lawman, army scout, gambler, and showman. He also met or worked with some of the Old West’s most famous (and infamous) […]

Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill: England’s Lion

Winston Churchill was arguably the most quotable world leader of all time–and never more so than during the darkest days of World War II. As Nazi Germany’s Luftwaffe pummeled London and other English cities with bombs in the early days of the war, Churchill’s inspirational messages conveyed inexorable courage and steadfastness to the people of […]

WWII german pistols

WWII German Pistols: The Forgotten Sidearms

As World War II began in 1939, Germany amassed the most powerful and organized fighting force the modern world had ever seen. With one hundred infantry and six armored divisions, they were well equipped for the blitzkrieg (lightning war) that would overwhelm Europe and move through Russia a year later. Which WWII German pistols played […]