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Tag: federal ammo

shooting a lock

Mythbusting: Does Shooting A Lock Work?

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Have you ever wondered how much of the action in a Hollywood film is real, and how much is fake? We were curious ourselves, so we set out to prove or bust the myth that shooting a padlock will cause the lock to fail. We hypothesized that most padlocks wouldn’t fly […]

45-70 VS 450 Bushmaster

45-70 VS 450 Bushmaster

By Guy J. Sagi The 45-70 Gov’t cartridge is over 140 years old and originally designed for the use of black powder as a propellant. This historical cartridge isn’t ready to be put out to pasture just yet. When stuffed with modern powder its performance rivals a much more modern ballistic invention. A bullet of […]

cost of guns and ammo 1950 vs 2020

1950 VS 2020: The Price of Guns and Ammo 

Many Americans old enough to remember the postwar 1950s think of those years with great fondness. After all, these were peaceful times when conformity and uniformity were common, and every family portrayed on television–families in which men worked and women tended the house and children–had smaller problems and plenty of support to get through them. […]

a photo of a hunting rifle leaning against a tree in a forrest

Best 30-06 Ammo: Still A Good Choice For Hunting?

Here’s the million-dollar question: is the .30-06 Springfield still relevant? Having hit the century mark some time ago, it’s easy to wonder if it still holds water. Of course, we are not having the same conversation about the .30-40 Krag, the .303 British, or the .264 Winchester Magnum. Why not? Not because you cannot find […]