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Tag: federal ammo

Federal HST VS Hydra-Shok

Federal HST VS Hydra-Shok

By Guy J. Sagi The physics, math, and metallurgy poured into modern bullet design is staggering. Advances are often cutting edge, particularly when it comes to self-defense projectiles. Federal Ammunition, one of the foremost in the field, understands no two situations or needs are identical. For that reason, it offers versions that bring different assets […]

HST ammo

What Is HST Ammo?

Federal Premium Ammunition is one of the most well-known and respected ammunition manufacturers on the planet, and for good reason too. Federal produces top-quality ammunition for virtually every caliber and purpose imaginable. Whether you need ammunition for hunting big game, self-defense HST ammo, or target shooting, Federal has what you are looking for. Among the […]

Aluminum VS Brass Ammo

Aluminum VS Brass Ammo: Head To Head Comparison 

There’s no question that aluminum is a versatile metal. Aluminum is soft and malleable, meaning that it can be forged into a variety of products, including AR-style receivers. However, it does have its limitations. When comparing aluminum vs brass ammo, which metal will come out on top?  Despite the widespread use of aluminum, many firearms […]

pheasant hunting

Pheasant Hunting Guide 

When fall rolls around hunters start to get excited about exploring the woods to hunt for game. For many, that excitement is about big game hunting, they can envision deer coming to their stands, or the sound of an Elk bugling back to their calls. However, there is a small percentage of hunters, like myself, […]

shooting a tire

Mythbusting: Shooting A Tire

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick We’ve all seen Hollywood movies where cops or bad guys are shooting tires to end a high-speed chase. Realistic or not, we’ve frequently seen tires shot from the windows of moving cars. Or other unlikely scenarios, like the hero standing in the middle of the road to shoot the tires of […]