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Tag: federal ammo


USPSA Competition Guide

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick The United States Practical Shooting Association competition, commonly called USPSA, is one of the most fun action sports. USPSA promotes safe and fun participation in practical shooting sports. It is one of the largest practical shooting organizations in the US, with over 30,000 active members spread out across more than 400 clubs.  […]

Federal 22LR

Federal 22LR Ammo

Federal Premium ammo is proof that Minnesotans do more than fish, ice fish, and elect pro wrestlers for governor. Federal is over a century old and headquartered in Anoka (the Halloween Capital of the World). Not only is Federal one of the most well-respected ammo manufacturers, but it is also one of the world’s largest. […]

Steel VS Brass

Steel VS Brass Ammo

As a lifelong firearms enthusiast and avid shooter, I have learned a lot about the gun community over the years. One undeniable thing is that gun owners love to debate just about anything. When it comes to steel vs. brass ammo, the debate never ends.  Want proof? Post a comment promoting a specific gun, cartridge […]

Federal 308 Ammo

Federal 308 Ammo

Federal Premium Ammunition is of the most well-respected ammo manufacturers in the world. While it is not the oldest ammo manufacturer, it is the world’s largest. Based in Anoka, Minnesota, they churn out millions of rounds each month, including Federal 308 ammo. We could write a book about Federal Premium’s ammo lineup. From their HammerDown […]

shooting a deadbolt

Mythbusting: Shooting A Deadbolt

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick We never get tired of watching movies, but we often watch scenes play out that aren’t realistic. Their approach is believable, but the way they go about solving problems defies logic, engineering, and sometimes physics. Take deadbolt locks as an example. When a character shoots a deadbolt lock, it disintegrates and […]