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Tag: competition pistol


USPSA Competition Guide

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick The United States Practical Shooting Association competition, commonly called USPSA, is one of the most fun action sports. USPSA promotes safe and fun participation in practical shooting sports. It is one of the largest practical shooting organizations in the US, with over 30,000 active members spread out across more than 400 clubs.  […]

idpa shooting

IDPA Shooting Guide

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Whether you want to get into competitive shooting sports or just improve with your concealed carry gun, the International Defensive Pistol Association is for you. Founded in 1996, IDPA is a fairly new organization that allows shooters to draw from concealment, reload under pressure, and focus on accurate shots at threat […]

competition pistol

Choosing A Competition Pistol

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Choosing a pistol for competition shooting is an adventure. It takes time to find out which division you enjoy shooting in. You’ll also need to pick a gun set up to be competitive in it. The journey of choosing a pistol is a process you want to be patient in. As […]

photo of a smith & wesson M&P 9mm pistol for competition shooting matches

USPSA & IDPA Competition Shooting

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick A Guide To Competition Shooting USPSA is the United States Practical Shooting Association and is part of IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). IDPA is the International Defensive Pistol Association. Although they both are competition based and require moving and shooting, they differ in many ways. Before attending a match, ask the […]