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Tag: competition


USPSA Competition Guide

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick The United States Practical Shooting Association competition, commonly called USPSA, is one of the most fun action sports. USPSA promotes safe and fun participation in practical shooting sports. It is one of the largest practical shooting organizations in the US, with over 30,000 active members spread out across more than 400 clubs.  […]

What Is A Red Dot Magnifier

What Is A Red Dot Magnifier?

Red dot sights have revolutionized the shooting industry over the past few decades, offering shooters a quick and straightforward way to acquire targets. Red dot optics have become indispensable tools for competitive shooting, hunting, and tactical operations. They excel at quick target acquisition and are fantastic for close-quarters shooting, but remain limited in long-distance engagements. […]

a photo of a woman shooting a competition shotgun

Choosing A Competition Shotgun

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Choosing a shotgun for competition is a process that only you can make the final decision on. It takes small tweaks and adjustments to fit a shotgun to your face, eyesight, and grip before you’re ready to compete. You should also enjoy the shotgun you’re shooting and be able to manage […]