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Tag: centerfire ammo

277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC

277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC

If you’re as excited about modern rifle cartridges as we are, you’ve probably jumped into debates around 277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC. Both cartridges owe their existence to the U.S. military. Their creation came about due to the battlefield limitations of the 5.56 NATO round.  While both are designed to outperform the aging 5.56 NATO […]

Winchester Model 1873

Winchester Model 1873

This is the story of the Winchester Model 1873. It’s the gun that won the West, and has been the trusted companion of mountain men, homesteaders, hunters, and gun enthusiasts for over a century. This article highlights the history, features, and impact of this American treasure: the Winchester ’73.  The Winchester 1873 was proven by […]

6.5 Creedmoor VS 223

6.5 Creedmoor VS 223

The 6.5 Creedmoor VS 223 are both popular rounds. The .223 Rem has been a household name for over fifty years, while the 6.5 Creedmoor is a rising star. But how do these rounds overlap, and how do they differ? If you could only choose one, which would it be?  The 6.5 Creedmoor and the […]

30-06 vs 308

30-06 vs 308

By Guy J. Sagi Though the .30-06 Springfield has reigned supreme over other whitetail deer-hunting cartridges for decades, its title may be in danger. There have been coup attempts before, certainly. Yet the overwhelming number of rifles chambered for the .30-06 is a stout defense, one deeply supported by owners comfortable with its performance. Still, […]

a photo of the coriolis effect

Long-Distance Shooting: What Is The Coriolis Effect?

By Guy J. Sagi Sleek flying bullets, improved cartridge design and firearms held to strict CNC tolerance contribute to any new long-distance shooting records, but there is more involved than just the latest and greatest. To connect regularly at 1,500 yards and beyond marksmen must adjust for a variety of factors largely immune to cutting-edge […]