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Tag: AR-15

Police Ammo

Police Ammo: What Do They Use?

The difficult job of being a police officer requires purpose-driven ammunition. For this article, we’ve interviewed Officer Mike Perez of the Metro DC police. Perez explains common police ammo, and why there’s been a shift in ammunition choice with ballistic advancements. As you’ll see, police officers share many of the same concerns about ammunition as […]

Police Guns

Police Guns: What Do They Use?

Are you wondering which guns police officers most commonly carry? For this article, we interviewed Officer Mike Perez of DC Metro Police. Officer Perez has been on the front lines of law enforcement work, training, and competition. He reveals the most common firearms police officers carry and the reasons why.  Whether you’re curious about becoming […]

IWI Carmel

IWI Carmel Review

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Have you heard of the IWI Carmel? It’s the latest release from IWI, a firearms manufacturer you need to know about if you don’t already. Their story begins in 1933 when IMI (Israel Military Industries) began firearms production in Israel under the British Mandate. It was in the late 1950s that IMI […]


M855A1: Enhanced Performance Round

The world of firearms is constantly evolving, with innovations in ammunition being a key driver of change. The M855A1, the military’s enhanced 5.56x45mm NATO round, is a prime example of this evolution. This enhanced performance round is a higher-pressure cartridge with a lead-free bullet design, optimized for penetration. As these rounds start appearing more frequently […]

AR-15 ejection patterns

AR-15 Ejection Patterns

You’re out at the range, about to run the first magazine through your new AR-15. You pull the charging handle, drop the bolt, turn off the safety, and BANG! The first shot rings out. Your AR-15 ejection patterns send the brass casing sailing through the air, landing on your neckline and sliding down your shirt. […]