Are you wondering which guns police officers most commonly carry? For this article, we interviewed Officer Mike Perez of DC Metro Police. Officer Perez has been on the front lines of law enforcement work, training, and competition. He reveals the most common firearms police officers carry and the reasons why.
Whether you’re curious about becoming a police officer one day or just interested in the guns police departments use, you’ll find your answers in this article. You’ll also learn some of the nuances behind how police departments select certain guns – and why they leave others behind.
The Most Common Police Guns
If there’s one thing you’ll learn from talking to a police officer about firearm choice, there is no standard across the board. For handguns, Officer Perez explains that many departments choose between Smith & Wesson M&Ps, Glocks, and SIG, but some departments deviate from these common sidearms. The same is true for the rifles and shotguns they most commonly use.
Here are some standard guns police officers carry:
- Police handguns include the Glock 19, Glock 17, SIG P320, and Smith & Wesson MP
- Rifles include the Colt M4 LE, Rock River Arms AR-15, and LWRC
- Police Shotguns include the Benelli M1 and the Remington 870
Officer Perez says a police department’s choice of firearm comes down to the system’s policies and the officer’s personal needs. He also goes over some of the specific guns chosen by each department.
Police Guns: Handguns
It’s no surprise that the Glock 17 sits high on the list of the most popular guns carried by police officers.
In the handgun category, it is no surprise that police officers carry some of the most well-known handguns for reliability and performance.
Officer Perez explains that one of the most popular guns carried by police officers is the Glock. The dominant models are the Glock 19 and the Glock 17. However, some officers will carry the Glock 26 or the Glock 43 if they work undercover.
Another popular choice is the SIG. Like the Glock, the SIG is a reliability legend. According to Officer Perez, the P320 is among the most popular SIGs he sees carried by law enforcement.
What about backup guns? Officer Perez states that many departments prohibit the use of backup guns; however, there are still some who allow them. In these roles, the carry-model Glocks are common and normally chambered in 9mm.
In the next section, Officer Perez shares the specific handguns carried by police departments in the DC area and surrounding states.
Glock 22: Carried by US Capital Police
In addition to the Glock 22, the US Capital will utilize the Glock 23 in plain clothes. US Capital isn’t the only department carrying Glocks. The Howard County Police Department in Maryland carries the Glock 17, as do many ICE agents. The Rochester Police Department carries the Glock 45.
Perez told me that the SIG is also a popular model.
SIG P320: Carried by the Virginia State Police
In addition to the Virginia State Police, the SIG P320 is chosen by the Fairfax Police Department in Virginia. The Manchester Police Department in New Hampshire also chooses the SIG 320.
Smith & Wesson M&P: Carried by Maryland’s Prince George’s County PD
Office Perez relays that the Smith and Wesson M&P remains a popular choice. The Smith and Wesson M&P is a common sidearm that many law enforcement professionals carry. The M&P is well-known for being reliable, accurate, and user-friendly.
What Handguns Do FBI Agents Carry?
FBI agents are issued the Glock 19; however, Officer Perez told me that agents will choose other models based on their needs and personal preferences. FBI Agents also frequently choose the Glock 17 and the Glock 43.
Police Guns: Rifles
The Smith & Wesson M&P 15 is a rifle commonly issued to police departments across the United States.
Police officers carry a wide variety of rifles and don’t always have access to the top-of-the-line options on the market. For example, some police departments have used Vietnam-era M16s.
Officer Perez currently uses the Smith & Wesson M4 with a 16-inch barrel, chambered in .223 Rem. His choice ammunition is the Federal Premium 62-grain Law Enforcement with a soft point.
Rifles Carried By Police Departments:
- Rock River Arms AR-15: US Capitol Police.
- Smith & Wesson M&P 15: Rifle Carried by Prince George’s County PD.
- SIG MPX 9mm rifle: ICE Agents.
- Colt M4 LE: Arlington County PD in Virginia.
- SIG M400: Manchester PD in New Hampshire.
As a side note, Perez states that some police departments allow their officers to buy their own rifles. As long as the officers qualify with the rifles, they can use them on duty.
Police Guns: Shotguns
The pump-action Remington 870 shotgun has been a staple of police departments for decades.
Officer Perez comments that 12-gauge shotguns may or may not be issued depending on the police department. He says that his department phased them out several years ago but that they may return to shotguns in the future.
Shotguns Carried By Police Departments:
- Benelli M1 Shotgun: US Capitol Police.
- Remington 870: Rochester Police Department in New York.
- Remington 870: Norfolk Police Department in Virginia.
Perez notes that many departments don’t issue shotguns, with some of the reasons being that some departments believe shotguns appear threatening to the public. However, as Perez says, shotguns have undeniable advantages, such as the reduced risk of overpenetration.
In the next section, Officer Perez provides some insight into why police departments choose the guns they do.
Why Police Officers Choose Certain Firearms
The right tool for the job: Officers choose Glock handguns for reliability, functionality, and ease of use.
After asking why Glocks are such a common choice among police officers, Officer Perez responded adamantly:
“Departments choose Glocks because they are reliable. Yes, the trigger pull isn’t like a 1911, but you can beat it and abuse it, and it will still fire.” -Officer Mike Perez
He also states that the simplicity of the Glock is attractive. The lack of an external safety allows officers to operate the firearm under pressure.
Why police officers choose certain firearms:
- Reliability: Police Officers rely on the firearm when their life is on the line. Regardless of what the gun feels or looks like, it must work when called upon. It must work in the rain, mud, snow, ice, and when slick with sweat.
- Functionality: The police officer’s firearm must support the officer’s need. For example, a single-shot revolver might be “reliable,” but it won’t meet the officer’s needs. This consideration is also why many departments are moving toward the 9mm round. Officers can carry more and have the same ballistic strength.
- Ease of use: It doesn’t matter if the gun is “reliable” if it’s difficult to use. In a way, simplicity and reliability go hand in hand. This is one of the reasons the Glock is so popular.
About Officer Mike Perez
Officer Perez is a Metro DC police officer with over eight years of experience. In addition to his roles in the department’s Violent Crime Suppression Unit, Officer Perez is a professional shooter who participates in competitions nationwide.