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ruger 10/22 history

Ruger 10/22 History

In 1964, the Ruger 10/22 arrived with a few new features, rocket-launching this rifle into the galaxy of firearm superstars. But what makes the Ruger 10/22 history so interesting? Many would argue that the secret sauce is in two fundamental principles: innovation and reliability.  The Ruger 10/22 began in 1964, with William Ruger working to […]

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most accurate 22lr ammo at 100 yards

Most Accurate 22lr Ammo At 100 Yards

The world of .22 caliber ammunition is vast and diverse, offering shooters a plethora of options to choose from. Among the myriad choices, several stand out for their exceptional precision and performance. This article delves into the characteristics and capabilities of five renowned .22 caliber ammunitions: Norma Xtreme LR-22, SK Rifle Match .22LR, ELEY Match […]

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FBI Miami Shootout

FBI Miami Shootout

One fateful April morning in 1986, the echo of gunfire shattered the serenity of Miami’s suburban streets as a harrowing event unfolded that would etch in the annals of American law enforcement history. The FBI Miami shootout, as it is now known, was not only a fierce exchange of bullets between federal agents and two […]

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M855A1: Enhanced Performance Round

The world of firearms is constantly evolving, with innovations in ammunition being a key driver of change. The M855A1, the military’s enhanced 5.56x45mm NATO round, is a prime example of this evolution. This enhanced performance round is a higher-pressure cartridge with a lead-free bullet design, optimized for penetration. As these rounds start appearing more frequently […]

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