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Handguns of World War II Icons

Some of the world’s most memorable figures met at the center stage of the greatest tragedy in history: The Second World War. Upwards of fifty million people—military and civilians—would lose their lives in a mere six years of fighting. What would emerge from the rubble were heroes and villains who would forever have a place […]

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a graphic of the world's most powerful rifles

World’s Most Powerful Rifles You Can Buy

By Guy J. Sagi A cutting-edge breed of the world’s most powerful rifles has reached muzzle energy levels and distance figures once thought impossible for small arms. Need to hit a target greater than 1,000 yards away? You won’t even break a sweat shouldering one of these modern rifles to get the job done. The […]

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photo of eugene stoner

Eugene Stoner: Historic Profile

The Eugene Stoner designed Armalite Rifle AR-15 is the most popular rifle design in the US today. Popular for its modularity and performance, it has become a polarizing figure in the media on both sides of the aisle. If the mainstream media is to be believed, the ‘AR’ in AR15 stands for “assault rifle.” Rolling […]

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a macro photo of plus p ammo cartridges

What is +P Ammo?

By Guy J. Sagi Ammunition rated +P generates a chamber pressure higher than the cartridge’s published standard, but the level is less than those produced when proof rounds initially torture test a firearm. Increased bullet velocity is the result—an advantage for some self-defense handguns—but not all guns can safely run the hotter loads. In those […]

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photo of armalite history

Armalite Rifle History

ArmaLite weapons are synonymous with AR-pattern rifles, which have been ironically coined as ‘Modern Sporting Rifles’ (MSF). Why the irony? The AR-10 which was the precursor to the MSF, was designed in 1955. To put things in perspective, McDonald’s opened in 1955, as did Disneyland. James Dean infamously died that year at age 24, and […]

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