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Gaston Glock

Gaston Glock: The Man Behind The Gun

Gaston Glock is a name synonymous with innovation in the world of firearms. Born on July 19, 1929, in Vienna, Austria, Glock started his career by manufacturing curtain rods and knives. However, his unexpected venture into the firearms industry would leave a lasting impact. Without prior experience in gun design, Glock revolutionized the industry by […]

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Best 30-40 Krag Ammo

Best 30-40 Krag Ammo

Over the years, hunters and sports shooters have adopted numerous military cartridges. The Springfield .30-06 is probably the most famous smokeless powder ammo that has made the leap from military cartridge to the civilian world. But it wasn’t the first. That distinction belongs to the .30-40 Krag. For decades, the .30-40 Krag was incredibly popular […]

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Best 5.7x28 Ammo

Best 5.7×28 Ammo

Looking for the best 5.7×28 ammo? It’s one of the more unique and versatile rounds available today, known for its high velocity and flat trajectory. Initially developed by FN Herstal in the 1990s, the 5.7x28mm met NATO’s need for a new personal defense weapon (PDW) cartridge to penetrate body armor while maintaining low recoil and […]

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Best 243 Ammo

Best 243 Ammo

The .243 Winchester cartridge is a popular choice among hunters and target shooters for its versatility, flat trajectory, and relatively mild recoil. Can it still put meat on the table? You bet. This guide provides an overview of the .243 cartridge, its history, and ballistics. We’ll also briefly compare the .223 Remington and .308 Winchester […]

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How Do Revolvers Work

How Do Revolvers Work?

By Guy J. Sagi A revolver’s method of operation is straightforward, uncluttered, and rugged. It’s arguably the most reliable repeating handgun design ever made, capable of defying conditions that force many semi-automatics to surrender. How revolvers work is so simple and universal that despite many advances in handgun technology, they remain ubiquitous in the firearms […]

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