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Winchester 22LR Ammo

Winchester 22LR Ammo

Established by business magnate and Republican politician Oliver Winchester, the Big W has continually revolutionized the world of firearms for over 150 years. Even Dracula, which an Irishman wrote in the 19th century, includes an American character who repeatedly recommends Winchester rifles during his party’s continent-wide hunt for the physical embodiment of evil. If that’s […]

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Steel VS Brass

Steel VS Brass Ammo

As a lifelong firearms enthusiast and avid shooter, I have learned a lot about the gun community over the years. One undeniable thing is that gun owners love to debate just about anything. When it comes to steel vs. brass ammo, the debate never ends.  Want proof? Post a comment promoting a specific gun, cartridge […]

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Guns Of Heat

Guns Of Heat

Heat is one of those popular movies with something to satisfy nearly everyone, although in different ways.  Bordering on cult status, it boasts some of the biggest A-list stars of the ‘90s. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jon Voight, Ashley Judd, Val Kilmer, and Tom Sizemore are just a few of the cast members. We’ll […]

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30-06 vs 308

30-06 vs 308

By Guy J. Sagi Though the .30-06 Springfield has reigned supreme over other whitetail deer-hunting cartridges for decades, its title may be in danger. There have been coup attempts before, certainly. Yet the overwhelming number of rifles chambered for the .30-06 is a stout defense, one deeply supported by owners comfortable with its performance. Still, […]

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What Is A Reticle

What Is A Reticle?

Many shooters select a rifle scope by researching its magnification, lens system, and physical specs. But it’s also important to consider the scope’s reticle in the decision-making process. Admittedly, it can be the most confusing part of choosing a scope. There are many types of reticles available on the market. Unless you’re a seasoned professional […]

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