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Category: History

Which guns did the infamous Bonnie and Clyde have in their arsenal?  Who shot first in the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr? The answer to all these questions and many more in the history section of our website. You’ll find a variety of fun historical reads that breathes life into past gun and ammo adventures.


Have you ever wondered what the most powerful handguns in the world are? Or possibly, what are the most powerful rifles available for purchase? Well, you are in the right place! We love putting together stories and lists of historical weapons that amaze, inform and inspire.


Do you want to impress friends and co-workers with your historical knowledge of guns and ammo? Each week Widener’s provides a new history article for you to sink your teeth into. Get your history fix on the Widener’s blog! Be sure to check out our history articles and share the information with your friends and family if you find it helpful.

What Is A Ghost Gun

What Is A Ghost Gun?

By Guy J. Sagi California Sen. Kevin de Leon was the first to publicly use the term “ghost gun” during a press conference in 2014. GhostGuns.com opened in July of the same year and began offering home-assembly firearm kits and other gear. The publicity that followed the website’s launch—and attempt to trademark the name—heightened awareness […]

terminator guns

Terminator Guns

Who can forget that oft-repeated phrase, “I’ll be back”? It’s become a part of our collective moviegoing experience and usually comes with a thick Austrian accent. The Terminator guns and movie series have captivated audiences worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on pop culture. Each film offers an exciting science fiction journey with unforgettable characters and […]

stopping power

Stopping Power: What Is It?

Stopping power, or “knockdown power,” is a projectile’s ability to incapacitate a target, whether animal or human. While almost everyone’s heard the term, understanding exactly what it means can be tough. All the confusion surrounding stopping power is mainly due to Hollywood’s unrealistic depictions of what happens when someone gets shot.  In TV and movies, […]

M1 Carbine VS M1 Garand

M1 Carbine VS M1 Garand

The M1 Carbine VS M1 Garand: the Batman and Robin of World War Two. Both iconic firearms were manufactured in the millions and served the United States with honor, grit, and reliability. In this guide, we’ll compare the Garand and Carbine in detail. We’ll look at where they came from, how they were used in […]

AR-15 ejection patterns

AR-15 Ejection Patterns

You’re out at the range, about to run the first magazine through your new AR-15. You pull the charging handle, drop the bolt, turn off the safety, and BANG! The first shot rings out. Your AR-15 ejection patterns send the brass casing sailing through the air, landing on your neckline and sliding down your shirt. […]