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Category: History

Which guns did the infamous Bonnie and Clyde have in their arsenal?  Who shot first in the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr? The answer to all these questions and many more in the history section of our website. You’ll find a variety of fun historical reads that breathes life into past gun and ammo adventures.


Have you ever wondered what the most powerful handguns in the world are? Or possibly, what are the most powerful rifles available for purchase? Well, you are in the right place! We love putting together stories and lists of historical weapons that amaze, inform and inspire.


Do you want to impress friends and co-workers with your historical knowledge of guns and ammo? Each week Widener’s provides a new history article for you to sink your teeth into. Get your history fix on the Widener’s blog! Be sure to check out our history articles and share the information with your friends and family if you find it helpful.

Police Ammo

Police Ammo: What Do They Use?

The difficult job of being a police officer requires purpose-driven ammunition. For this article, we’ve interviewed Officer Mike Perez of the Metro DC police. Perez explains common police ammo, and why there’s been a shift in ammunition choice with ballistic advancements. As you’ll see, police officers share many of the same concerns about ammunition as […]


Handloading: Is It Better?

By Guy J. Sagi Today’s gun owners are familiar with unexpected ammo shortages and the prices they often bring. Stocking up when inventory is high is one solution, especially for high-volume shooters, but is handloading a better alternative? Shooters endured several periods of low-to-no cartridge inventories in just the last decade. The latest was when […]

Police Guns

Police Guns: What Do They Use?

Are you wondering which guns police officers most commonly carry? For this article, we interviewed Officer Mike Perez of DC Metro Police. Officer Perez has been on the front lines of law enforcement work, training, and competition. He reveals the most common firearms police officers carry and the reasons why.  Whether you’re curious about becoming […]

Gaston Glock

Gaston Glock: The Man Behind The Gun

Gaston Glock is a name synonymous with innovation in the world of firearms. Born on July 19, 1929, in Vienna, Austria, Glock started his career by manufacturing curtain rods and knives. However, his unexpected venture into the firearms industry would leave a lasting impact. Without prior experience in gun design, Glock revolutionized the industry by […]

How Do Revolvers Work

How Do Revolvers Work?

By Guy J. Sagi A revolver’s method of operation is straightforward, uncluttered, and rugged. It’s arguably the most reliable repeating handgun design ever made, capable of defying conditions that force many semi-automatics to surrender. How revolvers work is so simple and universal that despite many advances in handgun technology, they remain ubiquitous in the firearms […]